Grants And Loans
Free Dental Care For Kids
Many dentists will provide free dental care. According to an American Dental Association survey, 75% of its members provide charitable care. You can find info on free kids dental services offered in your state. Just click on your state and see. Or contact the American Dental Association, 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611-2678; 312-440-2500.
See If Your Idea Will Sell
by taking a 4 week, 3 hours per week course for as little as $18. That’s what’s offered by the Nevada Microenterprise Initiative. It’s designed for new business owners who are thinking about going into business. It can cover topics like entrepreneurship, time management, conducting a market study, costs for starting a business and creating your 30-second commercial. Look for similar courses in your state by contacting your lead Small Business Development Centers office in your state.
Save 5 Tuition At The Lesko College
?Take a course for less than $20 per month! Learn how to find government grants and loans for tuition, housing and to start a business. You can SAVE $5.00 if you use this discount code before July 31, 2004 with your first course.Discount Code:12GH-EH345D-GFHSL
Get 50000 For Every Job You Create
If you are starting a business with just yourself, that’s at least one job and you can apply to the government’s Certified Development Company 504 Program. You can also get millions if you create enough jobs. The money has to be used for real estate, equipment or other kinds of fixed assets. You can’t use it for working capital. Last year this program couldn’t give out all the money it had available. Don’t let that happen this year. Find your local 540 Program office at
50000 Grant To Help People Who Need Jobs
The Able Trust give grants to non-profits and individuals who help people with disabilities get jobs including, including on-the-job coaching, supported employment, job skills-training, job development, employer outreach, ADA facility compliance, skills evaluation and programs leading to employment.
Entrepreneurs Can Get Their Loan Payments Back
Flexible small business loans, training, and technical assistance are available to start-up businesses in Garret County, MD. The county’s Community Action Committee administers a comprehensive Microworks program for those looking to start a business. Microworks makes loans ranging from $500 to $15,000 and offers deferred repayment schedules. A portion of each payment made on time will be put into a reserve fund that will be refunded to the borrower upon total repayment of the loan. Technical assistance and educational services for participants include entrepreneurial training courses and seminars, networking meetings and opportunities, design and production of print materials, marketing and advertising plan creation, tax preparation, financial counseling, business plan preparation, and access to a complete lending library. Contact: Garrett County Community Action Committee – Microworks, 104 E. Center Street, Oakland, MD 21550. 301-334-9431
30000 To Finish College
The Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Program awards scholarship grants in amounts up to $30,000 each to students and recent alumni from community colleges or two-year institutions who transfer to and will pursue bachelor’s degrees at four-year institutions. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, 703-723-8000
Money Available for Therapists
AMBUCS offers scholarships ranging from $500 – $1500 annually to students in their junior/senior year in a bachelor’s degree program or a graduate program leading to a master’s or doctoral degree. There is also one two-year award in the amount of $6,000 offered. Applicants must be accepted in an accredited program in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, and hearing audiology.
13 Million For California State Employees To Buy Real Estate
All active, inactive, and retired members of the California Public Employees Retirement System, the Legislators’ Retirement System, the Judges’ Retirement System, and the Judges’ Retirement System II are eligible to participate in the CalPERS Conventional Home Loan program, one of several loan programs offered by the system. The conventional program offers 10 to 30-year conventional fixed-rate mortgage loans up to a maximum of 97% loan to value, or $1,334,800 (with certain restrictions). A CalPERS conventional or government home loan may be used for one to four-unit owner-occupied residences, condominiums, and Planned Unit Developments (PUD). Applicants can lock in an interest rate for 60 days. The program can also be used to refinance an existing mortgage, with certain restrictions.
100000 To Help Buy A Mobile Home and a Mobile Home Lot
Called the Mortgage Insurance – Combination and Manufactured Home Lot Loans Program and referred to as Program #14.162 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program makes possible reasonable financing for the purchase of a manufactured home and a lot on which to place the home. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Look on the left-hand side of the page to search for your local field office.
45000 To Start An Art Gallery
Green awards fellowship grants to individual entrepreneurs and two-person teams to fund innovative projects to bring about social change – everything from providing free legal assistance, to developing earthquake-resistant housing, to starting an art gallery in a Laundromat. Grants are $30,000 per year for two years for individuals and $45,000 per year per project for partnerships. For information contact Echoing Green, 212-689-1165
50 Discount For Law Enforcement Officers To Buy A Home
Called Officer Next Door Sales Program and referred to as Program #14.198 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program strengthens America’s communities by providing homeownership opportunities to law enforcement officers in HUD- designated revitalization areas, and to improve the quality of life in these neighborhoods by their presence. Law enforcement officers may purchase HUD-owned single unit properties located in designated revitalization areas at a 50 percent discount off list price. Officers must agree to occupy homes as their sole residence for a period of 3 years. The officer must also agree to execute a second mortgage and note in the name of the Department for an amount equal to the 50 percent discount. This zero interest note will gradually decrease over the 3-year mandatory residence period until it reaches zero. Should the officer leave the home before the 1st anniversary of occupancy, 90 percent of the discounted amount will be due to HUD. Departure before the 2nd anniversary of occupancy will require a 60 percent repayment, and departure before the 3rd anniversary of occupancy will require a 30 percent repayment of the discounted amount. Officers must certify initially, and once annually, for each year of the occupancy term, that he/she continues to own and live in the home as a sole residence, and that no other residential real estate is owned. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Need Money For A Loved One With A Disability
Contact one of the relevant organizations that will assist you in finding the money and help you need to deal with your disability at
15000 To Train You and Your Employees
you can get this kind of money as a small business to get 1 week to 6 months of training in most anything from computers, hair styling, customer service, coaching, entrepreneuring, english as a second language, selling skills, paralegal, public speaking. See what your state has to offer by contacting your state office of employment and training at
5000 Worth of Free Health Care for Kids
Make up to $38,657 and get free health care for your kids. Almost every state now has a Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS), which extends medical coverage to many children who may not be covered. Contact your state Department of Health to see what version of the CHIPS program is offered in your area; or call a new government hotline to help locate free health care for kids at 877-KIDS-NOW (toll-free 877-543-7669)
Money to Rehabilitate a Trailer Home Park
Called Mortgage Insurance- Manufactured Home Parks and referred to as Program #14.127 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program makes it possible to finance the rehabilitation of manufactured home parks. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
70 Discount On College Books
just like prescription drugs, college text books cost a lot less in Europe than they do in the United States so 2 enterprising college students have made a nice business helping students save big on school books. I have to tell this to my 2 boys who are in college …
Visit: See
Help Paying Your Mortgage Or Buying A Home
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has set up thousands of non-profit organizations around the country that offer free help if you are having trouble paying your rent or mortgage. Some even offer money. Contact: Counseling Center Locator 800-569-4287 or 800-217-6970
They Can’t Give Away All The Money
that has been set aside for the victims of September 11. They expected to give away $5 billion to families of those who died or were injured and to date have only given out about $1.1 billion. The average family is getting $1.7 million . The deadline is December 22 but they are looking to expand it because they can’t get rid of the money. See the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund at
Free Services Help You At Home
The Area 9 Agency on Aging offers Meals on Wheels, free home health aides and homemaker services. There is a waiting list for these services, so it is best to get on the list as soon as you can in planning for the future. You can call Terry at Area (Agency on Aging, 715 W. 21st St., Connersville, IN 47331; 800-458-9345. For more information on Area Agencies on Aging, contact National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, 927 15th St., NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 2005; 202-296-8130; Eldercare Locator 800-677-1116
Help for Seniors
Need $7,000 for a new roof, or $300 for eye glasses, $1,000 for dentures, or a ride to the doctor or even legal help or a new living situation? You can contact the government’s Eldercare hotline for almost any problem concerning a senior. Contract 1-800-677-1116.
22000 Per Year To Get An Undergraduate Degree
Think you can’t afford to get a college degree? Earn your bachelor’s degree and let U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) pay your way. Through the DHS fellowship program, get your degree in the physical, biological, social, or behavioral sciences – including science policy, engineering, mathematics, or computer science. The program will pay your tuition and give you money to live on! You must have career and employment goals aligned with the mission and objectives of the DHS, but you are not required to accept a position with them following graduation. To learn how you can get your degree paid for, contact the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Vouchers for FREE Mammograms
The Actors’ Fund’s Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative (PNWHI) provides vouchers for FREE mammograms for members of the entertainment community. Other health-related services are available — mostly support groups and referral services. Contact: The Actors’ Fund of America, 729 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10019; (212) 221-7300, ext. 143; Fax: (212) 764-0238
2000 To Care For Your Pet Lab
Helps owners or rescuers of Labrador Retrievers who are in need of financial assistance to cover various medical costs (surgery, treatment, medication) and help to cover rescue or transportation expenses. Funding is typically for up to 50% of the proposed treatment/therapy with a maximum funding per case of $2,000. Labrador Lifeline, Mequon, Wisconsin. Fax: (206) 289-5905
Save 11000 Per Year On Prescription Drugs
Drug manufacturers offer a little known program to help those who cannot cover the cost of their prescription drugs. Some have strict eligibility guidelines, while others have pledged to help all those truly in need. A easy resource to locate the correct drug manufacturer and to learn more about the patient assistance program offered, go to the interactive website at You can fill out the forms online. Your doctor will be contacted for the prescription, and the medications will be delivered to the doctor’s office. This month’s winner spends close to $1,000 per month on a variety of medications, with no prescription drug coverage.