
7500 To Cover The Cost of Equipment For People with Disabilities

the state of Arkansas offers a Medicaid waiver which can provide up to $7,500 to cover the cost of adaptive equipment for people with disabilities. Contact: Development Disabilities Services, Department of Human Services; 870-773-0563


Free Help With Health Insurance

if you are looking for coverage, or looking to solve a problem with Medicaid, Medicare or a private health insurance company there are groups throughout the country that will help you enforce your rights and get you satisfaction. See the Health Insurance Partnership at Families USA


Cheap Health Insurance For Disabled Workers

A change in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 allows states to offer Medicaid to individuals who are working and who have a disability. Prior to this, states could only offer Medicaid to people with disabilities who were NOT working. The income limit goes up to $40,000 a year. Contact your state Department of Health to identify your Medicaid office. You can also check out the website of the Bazelon Center


More Money From Indiana’s Prescription Drug Program

Depending upon your situation with Medicare and Medicaid, you may or may not be eligible for this program, but it is worth a call for clarification. It is also helpful to know about this in the future if your situation changes. Eligibility issues: Indiana resident for at least 90 days and age 65 or older. May not have insurance that includes a prescription drug benefit. Must have a monthly income which is less than $997 for individuals or less than $1,344 for couples. Contact HoosierRX, P.O. Box 6224, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6224; 866-267-4679


Cheap Health Insurance For Disabled Workers

A change in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 allows states to offer Medicaid to individuals who are working and who have a disability. Prior to this, states could only offer Medicaid to people with disabilities who were NOT working. The income limit goes up to $40,000 a year. Contact your state Department of Health to identify your Medicaid office. You can also check out the website of the Bazelon Center


Emergency Rooms Have To Take You

Emergency rooms are now required to provide an initial screening to assess a patient’s condition, which is designed to stop the automatic transfer of people unable to pay. Emergency rooms must also treat emergency situations until they are stabilized, then they can refer you to other hospitals or clinics for further treatment. If you feel you have been denied service, contact Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21244; 410-786-3000
