People With Disabilities

7500 To Cover The Cost of Equipment For People with Disabilities

the state of Arkansas offers a Medicaid waiver which can provide up to $7,500 to cover the cost of adaptive equipment for people with disabilities. Contact: Development Disabilities Services, Department of Human Services; 870-773-0563


Cheap Health Insurance For Disabled Workers

A change in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 allows states to offer Medicaid to individuals who are working and who have a disability. Prior to this, states could only offer Medicaid to people with disabilities who were NOT working. The income limit goes up to $40,000 a year. Contact your state Department of Health to identify your Medicaid office. You can also check out the website of the Bazelon Center


Info On Government Money For Disabled Soldiers

is now available from a new government office set up to assist these soldiers in getting the help they need. Call800-833-6622. I hope the 800 number if more helpful than the web site because I wasn’t able to find any programs there that show people with disabilities how to get money to start a home business, fix up their home, go to school, find information from the best medical experts in the world at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, etc. Additionally, Iraqi War widows can get individual help from Lesko researchers.


1000000 to Build or Fix Up Housing for People with Disabilities

Called the Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program and referred to as Program #14.181 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides for supportive housing for persons with disabilities. Capital advances may be used to construct, rehabilitate or acquire structures to be used as supportive housing for persons with disabilities. Project rental assistance is used to cover the difference between the HUD-approved operating costs of the project and the tenants’ contributions toward rent (30 percent of adjusted income). To identify if there are programs in your area, contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If the local office does not know what you are talking about, contact the main office at: Office of Housing Assistants and Grants Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410, 202-708-3000.


50000 Grant To Help People Who Need Jobs

The Able Trust give grants to non-profits and individuals who help people with disabilities get jobs including, including on-the-job coaching, supported employment, job skills-training, job development, employer outreach, ADA facility compliance, skills evaluation and programs leading to employment.


Cheap Health Insurance For Disabled Workers

A change in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 allows states to offer Medicaid to individuals who are working and who have a disability. Prior to this, states could only offer Medicaid to people with disabilities who were NOT working. The income limit goes up to $40,000 a year. Contact your state Department of Health to identify your Medicaid office. You can also check out the website of the Bazelon Center


Get And Extra 1000 For Mom Dad Or Grandparents

Even if you’re not a senior check into this for your mom, dad or grandparents or anyone else because each year over 3 million eligible seniors and people with disabilities fail to apply for a little-known program that will give them over $1,000 extra in their Social Security check. That’s how much the government deducts for Medicare Part B payments. The program is called Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries Plan, or Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries Plan. To learn more contact your local Social Security Office at 800-772-1213. You can also contact the Medicare Hotline and request the publication Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare; contact Medicare Hotline at 800-MEDICARE or online


Working Capital for Small Businesses

who have trouble getting money and are run by women, minorities, or people with disabilities in Arkansas. See the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs that is financed by Levi Strauss and Winthrop Rockefeller.
