Profit Organizations

15000 People A Month Get Grants For Down Payments

There are a number of non-profit organizations that provide grants to homeowners to pay for down payments and closing costs for buying a new home. These grants normally range from 2% to 5% of the purchase price of the home. These non-profits obtain their money from mortgage lenders and sellers. Housing regulations prevent sellers or lenders to give down payment money directly to buyers. More than 15,000 buyers a month receive grants through this program. To learn more about how this gift-assisted sale works, contact the national association of these organizations called Homeownership Alliance of Nonprofit Down Payment Providers, at 301-941-1907, or web.


Money If You Have No Money And Want To Start A Business

these programs are hard to find but we have located over 150 such programs. They are normally non-profit organizations that are trying to help people start their own little small business. You’ll have to do a lot of searching to find them all. A good place to start is a free database that keeps track of some of these groups.


5000 to Create Comic Books

The Xeric Foundation offers financial assistance to fully committed, self-publishing comic book creators and qualified charitable and non-profit organizations. The purpose is to assist comic book creators with some of the costs in self-publishing their work. The geographical consideration for comic book artists is the United States and Canada. Organizations must be located in Western Massachusetts. Contact: Xeric Foundation, 351 Pleasant St., PMB 214, Northampton, MA 01060-3900; (413) 585-0671


Business Incubators Are Bargains And

can provide access to money, flexibility for growth, counseling services, tax services and a lot of comfort in the beginning years of a business. These can be non-profit organizations or for-profit. They are something to consider if you are starting out. For more info or to locate incubators in your area contact: National Business Incubator Association


Help Paying Your Mortgage Or Buying A Home

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has set up thousands of non-profit organizations around the country that offer free help if you are having trouble paying your rent or mortgage. Some even offer money. Contact: Counseling Center Locator 800-569-4287 or 800-217-6970


1500000 Grant To Organizations Who Help Small Businesses in Small Towns

The Rural Business Opportunity Grants program offers over $8 million in grants to non-profit organizations, who in turn give the money to entrepreneurs to start businesses in small towns. Find out what groups in your area have this money for you to use. Contact Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA, Specialty Lenders Division, STOP 3225, Room 6767, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250, 202-720-1400


20000 Worth Of Free Alcohol And Drug Treatment

The state of Georgia provides outpatient counseling services, short-term residential programs, and even school student assistance programs. There are also non-profit organizations that offer free treatment to people, like the Center for Drug-Free Living in Orlando, Florida. A friend of mine received one- and two-week resident treatments for free in Maryland. So if you need help, keep looking for local free stuff or contact National Drug and Treatment Routing Service, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 600 Executive Blvd., Willco Bldg., Bethesda, MD 20892; 800-662-HELP;; or National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, 11426 Rockville Pike, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852; 800-729-6686


15000 People A Month Get Grants For Down Payments

There are a number of non-profit organizations that provide grants to homeowners to pay for down payments and closing costs for buying a new home. These grants normally range from 2% to 5% of the purchase price of the home. These non-profits obtain their money from mortgage lenders and sellers. Housing regulations prevent sellers or lenders to give down payment money directly to buyers. More than 15,000 buyers a month receive grants through this program. To learn more about how this gift-assisted sale works, contact the national association of these organizations called Homeownership Alliance of Nonprofit Down Payment Providers, at 301-941-1907


NYU Graduates Full Loan Repayment

NYU School of Law graduates pursuing careers in public service or with not-for-profit organizations following graduation are eligible to receive to have their debt burden paid in full or part by NYU. Contact the Office of Student Financial Services, New York University School of Law, 245 Sullivan Street, Suite 400, New York, NY 10012 1301; 212-998-6050; Continue reading