Learn How Renters In California Can Now Hold Back Rent
money from landlords who do not make repairs and not fear being evicted.
Emergency Money To Pay Rent and Utility Bills
The City of Leavenworth, Kansas contracts with Catholic Community Services (CCS) to offer an Emergency Housing Assistance program to families and individuals in need. The program provides counseling and valuable referrals to low-income city residents who are experiencing a housing emergency. Participants may be eligible for financial assistance for food, rent, utility bills and other expenses. Contact: Catholic Community Services (CCS), 716 N. 5th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048. (913) 651-8060.
Make 82000 And Get A 20 Rental Discount
Some 26 states have something referred to as Circuitbreaker Programs which provide refunds through the state tax system for a portion of rent paid by certain populations. The programs and requirements vary widely by state but it’s purpose is to refund the portion of a person’s yearly rental costs that pay the owner’s property tax. Typically this can be between 15 to 20 percent of annual rent. This information was collected from NLIHC, 1012 Fourteenth Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, D.C. 20005, 202/662-1530, see report ‘State Funded Rental Assistance’. To locate available programs in your area contact your state housing office or social services office, or your local reference librarian who can assist you in finding other organizations who might provide this assistance.
Help Paying Your Mortgage Or Buying A Home
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has set up thousands of non-profit organizations around the country that offer free help if you are having trouble paying your rent or mortgage. Some even offer money. Contact: Counseling Center Locator 800-569-4287 or 800-217-6970
Help With Mortgage Rent and Credit Counseling
Contact one or many of your local U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Counseling Agencies. These groups can help with problems concerning your rent or mortgage and some even have grant money to get you through tough times. They can also help with your credit problems or direct you to an organization that can help you without ripping you off. Remember, if the office near you is not helpful enough contact one a little further away. It could be worth the drive.