
Pay Off 4725 Of Your Student Loans Through Volunteer Work

Would you like to be free of those exasperating student loan hanging over your head? By volunteering for worthwhile causes such as community development and illiteracy in the United States you can eliminate a large portion of your student loans. VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) will pay off $4,725 of your loans if you join in on their cause for at least 1,700 hours. Participants are eligible to receive either an education award or end-of-service stipend of $1,200. To learn more contact the Corporation for National and Community Service Headquarters, 1201 New York Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C. 20525 (800) 942-2677 or visit their website


Emergency Money To Pay Rent and Utility Bills

The City of Leavenworth, Kansas contracts with Catholic Community Services (CCS) to offer an Emergency Housing Assistance program to families and individuals in need. The program provides counseling and valuable referrals to low-income city residents who are experiencing a housing emergency. Participants may be eligible for financial assistance for food, rent, utility bills and other expenses. Contact: Catholic Community Services (CCS), 716 N. 5th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048. (913) 651-8060.


$$$$$ Loan Forgiveness $$$$$

This program is offered to individuals currently attending a program of study designed to prepare the individual for service as a midlevel practitioner. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. For each year that a participant serves as a midlevel practitioner in a designated rural area for a minimum of 30 hours per week, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump (approximately $6,000). Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 800-366-5424, 651-282-6302; Continue reading

13000 Lump Sum Student Loan Forgiveness

This program is offered to first, second or third year primary care medical residents who plan to practice full-time in an underserved urban area in Minnesota. Selected participants are eligible for four years of loan forgiveness. During each year that a participant serves as a physician in an underserved urban area for a minimum of 30 hours per week for up to four years, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum of approximately $13,000. To learn more contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; (800) 366-5424


$25,000 Loan Repayment Assistance from Washington

The Washington State Bar Association has approved an LRAP that will be administered through the Washington State Bar Foundation. The program will likely begin taking applications from its first round of participants in 2005. Loan repayment assistance will be $5,000/year per program participant for a maximum of 5 consecutive years. Contact Paula Littlewood, Deputy Director of the Washington State Bar Association, 2101 Fourth Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121-2330; 206-443-9722, 800-945-9722; Continue reading

13000 Per Year Of Loan Forgiveness For Rural Physicians

This program is offered to first, second, or third year primary care medical residents who plan to practice full-time in a designated rural area in Minnesota. Selected participants are eligible for four years of loan forgiveness. During each year that a participant serves as a physician in a designated rural area for a minimum of 30 hours per week for up to four years, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum of approximately $13,000. Applications are available by contacting the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; (800) 366-5424


$$$ for You: CSU Forgivable Loan Program

The Forgivable Loan/Doctoral Incentive Program (FLP) is a competitive program that provides loans to a limited number of full-time doctoral students at accredited universities. The Program provides loans of up to $10,000 per year. Participants may borrow a maximum of $30,000 over a five-year period. Contact The California State University, Office of the Chancellor, 401 Golden Shore, Long Beach, CA 90802-4210; 562-951-4000; Continue reading

$65,000 College Loan Repayment

The Army College Loan Repayment program allows participants to pay off federally insured student loans when they enlist in the Army, in a qualifying job. To be eligible, applicants must enlist for three years on Active Duty or six years in the Army Reserve and their loan status must not be in default. For Active Duty Soldiers, participants can receive up to $65,000 to repay college loans. For Army Reserve Soldiers, individuals can receive up to $20,000 to repay college loans. Contact the United States Army at 800-872-2769; Continue reading

15000 Loan Forgiveness Paid Directly To You

This program is offered to individuals attending a program of study designed to prepare them to become a licensed dentist. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. There is a minimum service obligation of three years. Each year a participant must deliver service totaling 25 percent of their yearly patient encounters to a public program or sliding fee scale patients. In turn, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum of approximately $15,000. For more information contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; (800) 366-5424


$5,000 for Minority Teachers!!

Receive up to $5000 annually if you are an African-American, Asian-American, Native American, or Hispanic college junior or senior working toward teacher certification. Participants must teach 3 or 5 years in Arkansas to have the amount received forgiven. Contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 114 East Capitol Ave, Attn: Minority Teachers Scholarship, Little Rock, AR 72201; 501-371-2050, 800-54-STUDY; Continue reading

60000 If Your Mortgage Payments Are Over 60 Days Due

the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency offers state residents a loan program designed to protect citizens who, through no fault of their own, are financially unable to make their mortgage payments and are in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure. Participants in the Homeowners’ Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program receive loans to help bring delinquent payments current. Continuing monthly assistance may be available as well. Total financial assistance maximum is $60,000, or 24 months of payments. Participants are expected to contribute $25 per month for payments during the term of the loan. Contact: Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, 211 North Front Street, P.O. Box 15530, Harrisburg, PA 17105-5530. Phone: 800-342-2397,


Teacher Retirement System Enrollees Eligible for 667400 for Real Estate

Participants in the California State Teachers Retirement System can use the CalSTRS Home Loan Program to refinance their existing home loan or to buy a new home. Loans are made in amounts of up to $667,400 (or 95% loan to home value) and feature 15 to 30 year terms. Interest rates are typically below market. Eligible properties include single-family homes, cooperative apartments and condos, as well as two to four-unit dwellings


$10,000 Available for You!!

The College Loan Repayment Program (CLRP) is a program created for all non-prior service persons considering enlistment in the U.S. Air Force. If you have taken some college courses and have accumulated debt, this great program may be for you. Participants must sign up for this program when signing the enlistment contract. Under CLRP repayment maximum is $10,000 per recruit. Contact Air Force Personnel Center, Randolph AFB, TX 78150; 800-346-3374 ext 2; Continue reading