
Pay Off 4725 Of Your Student Loans Through Volunteer Work

Would you like to be free of those exasperating student loan hanging over your head? By volunteering for worthwhile causes such as community development and illiteracy in the United States you can eliminate a large portion of your student loans. VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) will pay off $4,725 of your loans if you join in on their cause for at least 1,700 hours. Participants are eligible to receive either an education award or end-of-service stipend of $1,200. To learn more contact the Corporation for National and Community Service Headquarters, 1201 New York Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C. 20525 (800) 942-2677 or visit their website


500000 to Be Creative

The MacArthur Fellows Program is intended to encourage people of outstanding talent to pursue their own creative, intellectual, and professional inclinations. In keeping with this purpose, the Foundation awards fellowships directly to individuals rather than through institutions. Recipients may be writers, scientists, artists, social scientists, humanists, teachers, entrepreneurs, or those in other fields, with or without institutional affiliations. Each fellowship comes with a stipend of $500,000 to the recipient, paid out in equal quarterly installments over five years. This is a national and international award. Contact: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 140 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 1100, Chicago, IL 60603-5285; (312) 726-8000; Fax: (312) 920-6258


Free Business Interns For Your Business

Let the government locate and pay for a skilled intern for your company! Through the Middle East Partnership Initiative, the government is providing talented young women from the Middle East with unique opportunities to learn management and business skills while working in the dynamic and productive U.S. business environment. With $14 million in funding available, this program handles the recruitment of management and entry-level professional interns, and covers the costs for travel, lodging, health insurance, and a stipend for a 3-6 month internship. To find out how your company can benefit from this program, contact U.S. Department of State, Harry S. Truman Building, NEA/PI, 2201 C Street, NW Rm. 5253A, Washington, DC 20520


37000 Per Year To Get A PhD

Want to earn your Ph.D. in engineering, but can’t afford the rising costs of higher education? Earn your master’s or doctorate degree and let the EPA foot the bill. Through the STAR (Science to Achieve Results) fellowship program, get your graduate degree in a variety of environmental disciplines, including engineering, public health, and ecological sciences. You can have your tuition paid and have a nice stipend to live on! To learn how you can get your advanced degree paid for, contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


400 For Each Course

Infant/Toddler Stipend is a $400 stipend awarded to infant and toddler teachers/providers for each course successfully completed towards the infant and Toddler Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) at a Georgia technical college. The Infant and Toddler TCC is Georgia’s first statewide formal academic certificate for infant and toddler teachers and has been made possible with funding from DHR. For more information and a stipend application contact Quality Assist, Inc., 17 Executive Park Dr., Suite 150, Atlanta, GA 30329; 404-325-2225; 866-325-1993 (toll-free)


Up to $75,000 for Research

The Getty Scholar and Visiting Scholar Grants are awarded yearly to scholars, artists or writers working on projects related to a specific theme designated by the institution. Getty Scholars are in residence for a year and receive a maximum stipend of $75,000, an office, research assistant, airfare to Los Angeles, an apartment, and health benefits. Visiting Scholars are in residence for three months and receive a maximum stipend of $10,500, an office, research assistant, airfare to Los Angeles, and an apartment. Contact J. Paul Getty Trust, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685; 310- 440-7320; Fax: 310-440-7703; Continue reading

$1,200 And Air Fare For D.C. Interns

The Morris K. Udall Native American Congressional Internship program offers Native American or Alaskan Native students ten-week internship in Washington, D.C., working full-time in congressional offices or federal agencies. The program provides airfare to and from Washington, D.C., lodging at George Washington University, and per diem to cover meals, transportation and incidentals. In addition, a $1,200 stipend at the conclusion of the internship is awarded. Contact The Morris K. Udall Foundation, 130 South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701-1922; 520-670-5529; Continue reading

Money for Retired Veterans to Go to School

(All-Volunteer Force Educational Assistance 64.124)
Honorably discharged veterans can take advantage of the Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty benefits, which provides funds to pursue professional or vocational education, and even covers correspondence courses.? Veterans can receive a monthly stipend while attending school, with the amount varying depending upon date of entry into the service and length of service. Additional information and application materials are available through any regional Veterans Affairs office. Contact Department of Veterans Affairs, Central Office, Washington, DC 20420; 202-273-7132, 800-827-1000; Continue reading