Government Money

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100000 Working From Your Kitchen Table

My wife got over $100,000 of government money to do consulting right out of our home. My sister got over $350,000 from the government to frame pictures. They are both government contactors and they make good livings as freelancers. To be a freelancer in this country all you need are business cards, a phone and a desk, and the government will take it from there. There are free offices around the country that will help any freelancer get government contracts. The government buys more of anything than anyone else in the world including: legal services, web design, aerobic instructors, landscaping, cleaning, and even stand-up comics. And only 20% of this business is in the Washington area. Can you believe that one year the government even spent $30,000 on a freelance priest? Contact your state Office of Economic Development located in your state capital or your local Procurement Assistance Office who can match the product or service you are selling with the appropriate agency, and then help you market your wares effectively. To find the office nearest you, contact Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Office, Cameron Station, Room 4B110, Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA 22304; 703-767-1661


Money To Buy Out Your Boss

A dream come true can be buying out your boss and running the whole business yourself. You probably always thought you could do it better anyway. Your boss may secretly be looking for someone to buy the place so she can go to the beach and finally write that Great American Novel that she has always been dreaming of. Much of the government money available can be used for this. Start looking for federal money in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance published by the U.S. Government Printing OfficeThen check your State Government Office of Economic Development and tell them what you are trying to do. You can call 411 and ask for the state capital operator in your state capital


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