Social Services

10000 To Buy A Van or Talking Computer

Learn how technology can help your disability and money programs to purchase equipment. Contact your state Office of Social Services or Vocational Rehabilitation or Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA), 1700 North Moore St., #1540, Arlington, VA 22209; 703-525-6686; 703-524-6639 (TTY)


Call 211 For Free Money

that’s right! I didn’t say 911, I said 211. It’s a hotline number the Federal Communications Commissions set up for communities to use to refer people to social services that provide medical help, job training, transitional housing, child care, help for seniors, rental assistance, and more. These numbers are operating in 23 states. Go to the phone and dial 211 to see if you have this service in your area or see
