1000 A Month To Pay Your Mortgage
if you lose your job. It’s called the Mortgage Guardian program and it will pay your mortgage for up to 6 months. Check with your state housing association to see if you are eligible for a similar program. Here is the program in Wisconsin
Money If You Lost Your Job And Want To Become A Teacher
the state of Florida has a bunch of money to train you to become a teacher no matter what your age or what your degree is in.
You Don’t Have To Lose Your Home
If you have lost your job or are unable to work because of injury or illness, you can save your home from foreclosure if you know the steps to take. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers information and web links to organizations that will help you keep from losing your home.
Your Congressman and Senators Will Do Free Grant Research
because it means their job. They know the back office telephone number of every government agency and if they make a call for you and help you get a grant you will vote for them no matter what else they do. If you know your zipcode, you know your congressman and senators.
5000 for Mature Women
The Women’s Opportunity Award’s intent is to assist mature women who need additional skills, training and education to upgrade their employment status in order to enter or return to the job market. First-place winners receive $5,000 and second-place are awarded $3,000. Applicant should be the head of her household with financial responsibility for her dependents, indicate that specific training is necessary to enter or re-enter the job market, demonstrate financial need and be entering vocational or technical training, or be completing an undergraduate degree. Applications are received between July 1, 2004 and December 15, 2004. For more information contact Women’s Opportunity Award Soroptimist International of the Americas
Get Extra Money to Train For a Better Job
You may be able to get up to $10,000, plus travel money, day care money, clothing allowance and more to take a few months to upgrade your skills so you can get a job that pays more. Contact your local One-Stop Career Center to see what money programs are available in your area for training.
1000 A Month To Pay Your Mortgage
if you lose your job. It’s called the Mortgage Guardian program and it will pay your mortgage for up to 6 months. Check with your state housing association to see if you are eligible for a similar program. Here is the program in Wisconsin
Call 211 For Free Money
that’s right! I didn’t say 911, I said 211. It’s a hotline number the Federal Communications Commissions set up for communities to use to refer people to social services that provide medical help, job training, transitional housing, child care, help for seniors, rental assistance, and more. These numbers are operating in 23 states. Go to the phone and dial 211 to see if you have this service in your area or see
Get 50000 For Every Job You Create
If you are starting a business with just yourself, that’s at least one job and you can apply to the government’s Certified Development Company 504 Program. You can also get millions if you create enough jobs. The money has to be used for real estate, equipment or other kinds of fixed assets. You can’t use it for working capital. Last year this program couldn’t give out all the money it had available. Don’t let that happen this year. Find your local 540 Program office at
18000 To Learn To Repair Motorcycles
After losing his job in Seattle, Curt Gnagy, 49, got government grants to take courses at the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Phoenix. Joan DeWyer, a 41-year old single mom, also received government assistance for motorcycle training at this school. A lot of this training money comes from a U.S. Department of Labor program called Trade Adjustment Assistant Act.
$20,000 to Open a Market
A Fast 500
Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army have thousands of local organizations that offer a verity of services and money for childcare, elder care, elderly services, emergency financial services, food, shelter, housing, job training, health care, and even a fast $500 to get you out of a jam. Many of these services are for families making less than $25,000 per year. Find Catholic Charities USA locations near you at and Salvation Army locations