Federal Money
Free Business Money For Women
Money To Buy Out Your Boss
A dream come true can be buying out your boss and running the whole business yourself. You probably always thought you could do it better anyway. Your boss may secretly be looking for someone to buy the place so she can go to the beach and finally write that Great American Novel that she has always been dreaming of. Much of the government money available can be used for this. Start looking for federal money in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance published by the U.S. Government Printing OfficeThen check your State Government Office of Economic Development and tell them what you are trying to do. You can call 411 and ask for the state capital operator in your state capital
Visit: www.gpo.gov
Catalog Of Federal Domestic Assistance
This is the government’s major source of federal money programs. This is federal programs only. You can search by keyword or any other way you wish. We copy directly from this book. My first New York Times best seller was a cut and paste job from this book. You’re right I’m a plagiarist. But remember, nothing in the government is copyrighted. You can make money off of plagiarizing too.
Visit: www.cfda.gov
Get Official Applications To All Federal Money Programs To Start A Business
the government will actually give them up to $10 million to buy your goods or services if they are from another country. It’s a program that promotes U.S. goods and services to be sold overseas. All you have to do is to find a customer overseas who wants to buy your stuff. And there are other offices in the government that will find you the customers.