Grants for Emerging Playwrights
Grants up to $5,000 for Innovative Technology Use
500 for Medical and Dental Assistant Studies
Those pursuing studies in medical technology, medical laboratory technician, medical assisting, dental assisting, phlebotomy or office laboratory technician may apply for a scholarship with this organization. Applicants must plan on studying at an accredited college or university in the United States. There is an April 1 deadline for submitting applications. Call for an application. Five $500 scholarships will be awarded annually. Contact American Medical Technologists
Get Official Applications To All Federal Money Programs To Start A Business
the government will actually give them up to $10 million to buy your goods or services if they are from another country. It’s a program that promotes U.S. goods and services to be sold overseas. All you have to do is to find a customer overseas who wants to buy your stuff. And there are other offices in the government that will find you the customers.
Can You See What a Winning Application Looks Like?
Cash Incentives for Energy Approved Projects
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Lots of money. Lots of sources. Don’t miss out. Be the first in line to learn about those grants programs that the SBA says don’t exist. They don’t know everything. There are over 10,000 programs for people who want to start or expand a business including grants, low-interest loans, loans you don’t pay back, money when the bank says no. Plus hundreds of free services like free help with filling out money applications, free help getting government contacts, free legal help, free marketing help, and more. All you need to start or expand any business for less then $40… Order your copy today at