Energy Efficiency
Zero and Low Interest Loans to Improve Energy Efficiency
Incentives for Energy Efficient Commercial Motors
Up to $45,000 for New Green Construction Projects
Up to $700 for Energy Efficient Homes
Loans for Clean and Renewable Energy Systems
Get 80% of Your Energy Project Paid For
Loans for Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies
Grants up to $5,000 for Innovative Technology Use
Loans to Install Energy Efficient Equipment
Low Interest Loans and Incentives in Energy Wise Program
$2 Million in Energy Rebates for Businesses
Incentives for Multi-Family Energy Star Residences
Green Building Incentive for Oregon
Grants for Small Business Available
Rebate Program Offers Chance for Energy Upgrades
Utility Rebates Program for Water Heaters and Heat Pumps
15000 To Improve a New Home
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency’s Purchasing Improvement program allows borrowers to make up to $15,000 in home improvements in conjunction with the purchase of a home with a PHFA first mortgage loan. Eligible improvements include repairs, alterations or modifications to improve the basic livability, accessibility, energy efficiency or safety of the property.