Business Center
$150,000 for Green Building Projects
50000 to 500000 In Grants to Start A Day Care Center
in Pennsylvania if you are a non-profit organization and want to help families who need day care services. The money can be used for most anything in starting or expanding a day care center. And if you are not a non-profit, it doesn’t matter. The government will help you become one for next to nothing. Tell this office you are also looking the state’s small business development center’s office.
Free Money to Improve Your Business’s Energy Usage
25000 Loan Serves As First Step Towards Business Ownership
Prospective business owners looking to set up shop in Washington DC’s Ward 7/Marshall Heights area have strong support from the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO). The MHCDO provides, often at no cost, entrepreneurial and business training, one-on-one small business counseling in its Business Information Resource Center, technical assistance with loans, legal, accounting and other business-related areas, and special loan packaging, and loans ranging from $10,000 to $25,000. The group will also perform market research and assist with the development of print advertisements and other materials to promote the entrepreneur’s business. Marshall Heights Community Development Organization, 3939 Benning Road, NE, Washington, DC 20019, 202-396-1200
Your Business First Stop
The First Stop Business Information Center provides the small business owner and the prospective entrepreneur with a central point of information and contacts for state regulatory requirements for operating a small business. The primary objective of the center is to facilitate sustainable small business development in Georgia by offering a central location for determination of what licenses and permits must be obtained and maintained by individuals and businesses conducting their enterprises in our great state. Contact First Stop Business Information Center, 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite 315 West Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334; 404-656-7061; 800-656-4558
Get $$ to Make Your Vending Machine More Efficient
Business Plans Are Lies
How can anyone forecast what the world will be like 6 months from now or 3 years from now? Most of us don’t even know what we will be doing next Thursday. So how is anyone going to be able to predict what a business will look like 2 or 3 years from now? So when someone asks you for a business plan in order for you to apply for money, just provide what they want and don’t worry about how accurate it is. The best experts in the world don’t know the future so why should you? If you need help with your business plan contact your local Small Business Development Center. The help is free or low cost.