San Francisco Ca
$150,000 for Green Building Projects
Venture Capital for Starting a Business in India
Up to $30,000 for Businesses to Install PV Systems
Over $1.0 Million for Film Video, and Media Artists
Up to 250000 to Make Videos for TV
Independent Television Service (ITVS) brings high-quality, content-rich programs created by a diverse body of independent producers to local, national, and international audiences. These programs take creative risks, explore complex issues and express points of view seldom seen on commercial or public television by reflecting voices and visions of underrepresented communities and address the needs of underserved audiences, particularly minorities and children. Grants range from $20,000 up to $250,000. Contact: Independent Television Service (ITVS) 501 York Street, San Francisco, CA 94110; (415) 356-8383; Fax: (415) 356-8391
$200,000 To Make An Independent Film
Cash Rebates for Builders That Use Energy Saving Features
Small Business Rebates for Helping the Environment
$$ to Produce Electricity Using Wind or Fuel Alternatives
Free Money to Improve Your Business’s Energy Usage
$10,000 to Create and Display Artwork in the U.S.
Get $$ to Make Your Vending Machine More Efficient
Up to $250,000 to Make Videos for T.V.
Up to $5,000 for Film Production Projects
Money for Italian Americans
The Italian-American Community Services Agency awards grants to Italian-Americans in financial need and indigent individuals, including senior citizens. It had a total of $15,690 for grants to individuals. Contact: Italian-American Community Services Agency (formerly Italian Welfare Agency, Inc. ), 678 Green St., San Francisco, CA 94133-3896. Phone: 415-362-6423; website