Solar Loan Program for New Jersey
Financial Assistance for Barbershop Quartet Singers
New Green Construction Projects Get Free Help & Fee Waiver
$500 for Solar PV & Solar Water Heating Systems
Grants, Loans & More for Renewable Energy Needs
Solar, Wind & Biomass Energy Systems Exemption
800 for Food 2000 for a Short Term Emergency Day Care Health Care & More
Every state has a number of programs to protect people in financial trouble. There are programs to help pay for food, help pay for day care, help pay for medical expenses and even programs that give you extra money so you don’t wind up on welfare.This website lists all the major programs along with eligibility requirements for every state.
$24,000 To Study Environmental Policy
The Morris K. Udall Fellowship Program awards two Ph.D. dissertation fellowships of $24,000 to students whose work is in the areas of environmental public policy or environmental conflict resolution. Recipients must be in the final, writing year of their Ph.D. work and must submit a copy of their dissertation to the Udall Foundation at the end of the award year. Contact the Morris K. Udall Dissertation Fellowship Program, South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701-1922; 520-670-5609; Continue reading
$2,000 in Rebates for Commercial Lighting Projects
$50,000 Energy Conservation Grants
Oregon Energy Partners Incentive Program
Venture Capital to Start a Business in West Bank/Gaza and Jordan
Up to $10,000 in Business and Marketing Grants
Rebates & Other Financing for Your Energy Projects
Think Green & Get $150,000 for Your Project
$20,000 Financing to Buy & Install Solar Equipment
Over 8000 for High School Film Students
A&E awards grants and scholarships to K-12 students and teachers. Support is given on a national basis and in Canada. There are two different award programs under this Foundation: 1) the A&E Classroom Program, which awards $500 to K-12 teachers that demonstrate creative classroom uses for A&E and History Channel programming; and 2) History Channel Awards in which A&E annually awards 3 scholarships of $5,000 to high school students and 5 grants of $3,000 and a school video library to teachers participating in the National History Day competition. Contact: A & E Television Networks Corporate Giving Program, P.O. Box 1610, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163-1610; (212) 210-1400
Create Wind Energy & Get a Tax Break
$75,000 Grant for Clean Energy Technologies
Get $75,000 for Solar Water Heating
Property Tax or Sales Tax Exemption for Homes & Businesses
100% Exemption from Property Taxes
Get $600 for an Energy Makeover
$20,000 to Install a PV System
$2,500 For Research To School Nutrition Association Members
The Hubert Humphrey Research Grant is available to active members of the School Nutrition Association at the graduate or post-graduate level. Awards are for a minimum of $2,500 for research which is consistent with the Associations platform. Contact School Nutrition Association, 700 S. Washington St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314; 703-739-3900; Fax: 703-739-3915; Continue reading