
Free Dental Care For Kids

Many dentists will provide free dental care. According to an American Dental Association survey, 75% of its members provide charitable care. You can find info on free kids dental services offered in your state. Just click on your state and see. Or contact the American Dental Association, 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611-2678; 312-440-2500.


Let the Navy Help You Pay Off up to $65,000 of Your Student Loans

The Navy will pay for up to $65,000 of loans acquired from a post???secondary education for college students and graduates who qualify. To be eligible for the program the loan cannot be in default and it must be the applicant???s first enlistment. The LRP is available to all active Navy enlisted positions! Contact the U.S. Navy at 800-872-6289; Continue reading

Up to $100,000 for Surgical Education

Grants ranging from $25,000 up to $100,000 will be awarded to support innovative research and education projects and programs which will advance surgical education in North America. Giving is done nationwide to ASE members as well as to members of other national surgical associations. Association for Surgical Education Foundation, P.O. Box 19655, Springfield, IL 62794-9655; 217-545-3835; Continue reading