500000 to Be Creative
The MacArthur Fellows Program is intended to encourage people of outstanding talent to pursue their own creative, intellectual, and professional inclinations. In keeping with this purpose, the Foundation awards fellowships directly to individuals rather than through institutions. Recipients may be writers, scientists, artists, social scientists, humanists, teachers, entrepreneurs, or those in other fields, with or without institutional affiliations. Each fellowship comes with a stipend of $500,000 to the recipient, paid out in equal quarterly installments over five years. This is a national and international award. Contact: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 140 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 1100, Chicago, IL 60603-5285; (312) 726-8000; Fax: (312) 920-6258
4725 For Volunteering Full Time
AmeriCorps engages people 17 and older in service to their community. The Vista Program recruits those with 3 years experience (not required) for a one-year commitment to address issues related to poverty. During time of service a modest allowance is received every week. Health insurance is provided by the program. Housing and meals are not provided by the program. Participants receive $4,725, which can be used for student loan repayment and school tuition, or a cash stipend of $1,200. Find out more about getting involved with AmeriCorps by e-mailing questions call them Toll-Free at 1-800-942-2677.
$8,000 For a Car, School, Business, or Home
15000 People A Month Get Grants For Down Payments
There are a number of non-profit organizations that provide grants to homeowners to pay for down payments and closing costs for buying a new home. These grants normally range from 2% to 5% of the purchase price of the home. These non-profits obtain their money from mortgage lenders and sellers. Housing regulations prevent sellers or lenders to give down payment money directly to buyers. More than 15,000 buyers a month receive grants through this program. To learn more about how this gift-assisted sale works, contact the national association of these organizations called Homeownership Alliance of Nonprofit Down Payment Providers, at 301-941-1907, or web.
The Best Place For Free Or Discount Medicines
If you are having trouble trying to decide if it’s best for you to take advantage of the new Medicare prescription drug program or the traditional free drug program offered by the pharmaceutical companies, try a free computer search from a non-profit organization called Access To Benefits Organization. They are a legit non-profit trying to help people identify the best way to get free prescription drugs. For information on this program see
Here’s Money To Build Or Fix Up Apartment Buildings
from the state of Missouri if you are a for-profit or non-profit. They can be apartments for the rich but you have to be interested in building apartments for middle income or lower income people.
Free Taxi Rides to the Doctor
If you are a senior or taking care of a senior, remember the government pays for elderly people’s transportation to the doctor. Their toll-free number is 1-800-677-1116 and can be reached from Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
Grants From EBay Founder
The founder of Ebay will be offering grants to people who are interested in changing our society. There are a lot of things wrong out there
1500 Grant To Train People How To Care For A Sick Relative
if we live long enough we all become an experts at doing this. So now you can get grants to train other people how to do it.
Free Trees and Bushes for Landscapers
and people who run orchards. The U.S. Department of Agriculture will give you free trees, bushes and vines if yours get damaged in natural disasters. See the Tree Assistance Program at
300000 For People Whose Homes Were Hurt By A Disaster
Called the Mortgage Insurance – Home For Disaster Victims Program and referred to as Program #14.119 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program helps victims of a major disaster undertake homeownership on a sound basis. Disaster victims are not required to meet the 3 percent minimum investment requirements. In order to qualify for assistance, the formerly occupied home must have been in an area designated by the President as a disaster area, and it must have been destroyed or damaged to such an extent that reconstruction or replacement is necessary. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Can You See What a Winning Application Looks Like?
A Source For Free And Low Cost Dental Care
It’s not all free and low cost sources but this site does offer a database of those organizations that get funding to provide dental services to people who can’t pay. You can also call their 800 for help at 888-275-4772.
Venture Capital
Some people consider this money from angels, but they are known in the business world as venture capitalists. These are individuals, government-sponsored organizations or private organizations who invest in your business because it is a good idea. These people also want to own a percentage of your business. So they really become your partner. But remember, the point is you want to get your business going. Who cares if you have a partner? If a partner is going to make it happen, it is better than sitting at home with no business at all. The federal government has two major venture capital programs. You can go to these web sites to get a list of government sponsored angels to contact: Venture Capital for Small Businessand Venture Capital For Low Income. But you can’t stop there. There are thousands of other private and public venture capitalists who help small businesses. A good starting place for locating these people is a good reference librarian at your public library.
$150,000 To Open A Business In A Certain Zip Code
See If You Qualify For Your State Health Care Programs
Every state has a number of health care programs that are paid for by federal and state government funding. Most of the programs have income requirements, but the maximum income can go up to $40,000 or more for a family. Every state has a number of programs to protect people in financial trouble. There are programs to help pay for food, help pay for day care, and help pay for medical.
97.5% Of Benefit Money Comes From The Government
Emergency Rooms Have To Take You
Emergency rooms are now required to provide an initial screening to assess a patient’s condition, which is designed to stop the automatic transfer of people unable to pay. Emergency rooms must also treat emergency situations until they are stabilized, then they can refer you to other hospitals or clinics for further treatment. If you feel you have been denied service, contact Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21244; 410-786-3000
$700 Grant To Start Your Business
15000 People A Month Get Grants For Down Payments
There are a number of non-profit organizations that provide grants to homeowners to pay for down payments and closing costs for buying a new home. These grants normally range from 2% to 5% of the purchase price of the home. These non-profits obtain their money from mortgage lenders and sellers. Housing regulations prevent sellers or lenders to give down payment money directly to buyers. More than 15,000 buyers a month receive grants through this program. To learn more about how this gift-assisted sale works, contact the national association of these organizations called Homeownership Alliance of Nonprofit Down Payment Providers, at 301-941-1907
800 For Your Security Deposit
Several states and more and more local organizations and even non-profits provide money for renters with grants or loans that can be used for security deposits. Programs constantly come and go but the state of Delaware has provided grants to nonprofit agencies to administer 2 security deposit programs. Two counties in Florida provide grants to cover deposits for people at certain incomes, and New Hampshire guarantees landlords the full amount so the renter can make payments on a security deposit. This information was collected from NLIHC, 1012 Fourteenth Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, D.C. 20005, 202/662-1530. To locate available programs in your area contact your state housing office or social services office, or your local reference librarian who can assist you in finding other organizations who might provide this assistance.