Student Loan Repayment

4725 For Volunteering Full Time

AmeriCorps engages people 17 and older in service to their community. The Vista Program recruits those with 3 years experience (not required) for a one-year commitment to address issues related to poverty. During time of service a modest allowance is received every week. Health insurance is provided by the program. Housing and meals are not provided by the program. Participants receive $4,725, which can be used for student loan repayment and school tuition, or a cash stipend of $1,200. Find out more about getting involved with AmeriCorps by e-mailing questions call them Toll-Free at 1-800-942-2677.


Free $$$$$ to Pay Off Federally Insured Student Loans

The U.S. Federal Government has established a student loan repayment program which authorizes agencies to repay certain types of federally insured student loans as a recruitment or retention incentive for highly qualified personnel. If you qualify, an agency may agree to provide student loan repayment benefits of up to $10,000 per calendar year, subject to a cumulative maximum of $60,000 per employee. Contact The Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Streets NW, Washington, DC 20415-1000; 202-606-1800; Continue reading

$$$$$$$$ for Student Loan Repayment – Stanford University

Stanford University offers Loan Forgiveness Program designed to help attorneys. By pursuing a public interest career Stanford graduates are eligible for benefits for up to ten years after they receive their JD. After they meet the income and employment qualifications for three years, participants become eligible for cancellation of 25 percent of their LRAP loans; after four years, 50 percent; and after five to ten years, 100 percent!! Contact the Stanford Law School, Attn Faye Deal, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid Crown Quadrangle, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305-8610; 650-723-0302; Continue reading