Drug Free
The Best Place For Free Or Discount Medicines
If you are having trouble trying to decide if it’s best for you to take advantage of the new Medicare prescription drug program or the traditional free drug program offered by the pharmaceutical companies, try a free computer search from a non-profit organization called Access To Benefits Organization. They are a legit non-profit trying to help people identify the best way to get free prescription drugs. For information on this program see
Visit: www.accesstobenefits.org/
1100 a Month For Prescription Drugs
Almost all drug companies offer drugs for free to those that cannot afford them. Each company has a different application procedure, and your doctor must sign a form. The medications are then shipped to your doctor for you. This could relieve you of your high prescription drug costs, so it is worth the effort. Look online for the drug company’s program, then fill out the application. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association, 1100 Fifteenth St., NW, Washington, DC 20005; 202-835-3400
Visit: www.helpingpatients.org
Access To Free Prescription Drugs Is Still Not Known
….. by a lot of people who entered our Show You The Money Contest. So a lot of you will win already by checking yourstate department of health. and more importantly the free programs run by each of the pharmaceutical companies that offer most any drug for free
Visit: www.helpingpatients.org/