Loan Repayment Assistance

Georgetown Graduates 100% Loan Forgiveness

This Program is to help JD graduates in pursuing careers in the field of public interest law. The Georgetown University Law Centers Loan Repayment Assistance Program offers eligible participants 100% forgiveness. To qualify applicants must be JD graduates from the class of 1996 and beyond. Contact the Financial Aid Office/LRAP Committee, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001; 202-662-9080; Continue reading

$3,000 Loan Repayment Assistance from Seattle University

This program is open to all graduates of the Seattle University School of Law. Graduates who choose full time public interest legal careers and are licensed attorneys may be eligible to receive up to $3000 of forgiveness. The qualifying income limit is a maximum of $45,000 annually and the graduate must remain in qualifying public interest employment for at least one year. Contact the Office of Financial Aid, Seattle University of Law, 901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122-1090; 206-398-4250; Continue reading

$25,000 Loan Repayment Assistance from Washington

The Washington State Bar Association has approved an LRAP that will be administered through the Washington State Bar Foundation. The program will likely begin taking applications from its first round of participants in 2005. Loan repayment assistance will be $5,000/year per program participant for a maximum of 5 consecutive years. Contact Paula Littlewood, Deputy Director of the Washington State Bar Association, 2101 Fourth Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121-2330; 206-443-9722, 800-945-9722; Continue reading

100 Loan Forgiveness For JD Graduates

If you are alumni of the American University Washington College of Law you may be entitled to have all of your student loans eradicated. As a demonstration of its ongoing commitment to see its graduates apply the law to the greater good, WCL implemented the Public Interest Loan Repayment Assistance Program (PILRAP). PILRAP helps relieve economic burden imposed by educational debt by providing loan repayment assistance for JD graduates who work in full-time non-profit, government or other employment in which the graduate is engaged in serving under-represented or traditionally marginalized populations. To apply and gather more information about this exciting program contact the Washington College of Law, Attn:: Stephanie Sullivan Assistant Director, Public Interest Specialist, 4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016; 202-274-4000


$90,000 Loan Repayment Assistance

This program is opened for Osteopathic Physicians only – 3rd year resident or beyond. Participants must agree to practice in primary care and work in a shortage area for four years. The Student Community Primary Care Initiative (SCPCI) will pay up to $90,000 of student loan debt to loans of the physician’s choice. Contact SCPCI/Financial Aid Office, Attn. Charlene Marinaro, Program Coordinator, 3200 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312; 515-271-1671; Continue reading

$3,000 Loan Repayment Assistance

This program is open to all graduates of the Seattle University School of Law. Graduates who choose full time public interest legal careers and are licensed attorneys may be eligible to receive up to $3000 of forgiveness. The qualifying income limit is a maximum of $45,000 annually and the graduate must remain in qualifying public interest employment for at least one year. Contact the Office of Financial Aid, Seattle University of Law, 901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122-1090; 206-398-4250; Continue reading