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Low Interest Loans And Cheap Payments

Through the Technology Assistance Project, there are loans available for those who need money to cover the cost of adaptive equipment. An equipment exchange program and used wheelchair vans are also listed on the website. Contact: ICAN-Increasing Capabilities Access Network, Arkansas Rehabilitation Service, 2201 Brookwood, #117, Little Rock, AR 72202; 800-828-2799


$5,000 for Minority Teachers!!

Receive up to $5000 annually if you are an African-American, Asian-American, Native American, or Hispanic college junior or senior working toward teacher certification. Participants must teach 3 or 5 years in Arkansas to have the amount received forgiven. Contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 114 East Capitol Ave, Attn: Minority Teachers Scholarship, Little Rock, AR 72201; 501-371-2050, 800-54-STUDY; Continue reading