Independence Ave Sw
10000 to fix up Mom’s home
The city of Houston offers $5,000 fix up money for the disabled and elderly in their Emergency Repair Program, and Minneapolis offers up to $10,000. The Rural Housing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers special grants through their Section 504 program of up to $7,500 if you’re over 62 and need to fix up your home. Contact your city government, your county government and your local community development office to learn about local programs. If you have trouble locating your local community development office, contact National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 630 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20001; 202-289-3500; or Office of Community Planning and Development, P.O. Box 7189, Gaithersburg, MD 20898; 800-998-9999;For Rural Housing Service contact Single Family Housing Programs, USDA Rural Housing Service, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-4323.
Loans and Grants to Build Housing for Farm Laborers
Free Money to Implement Conservation Programs
Scholarships for Minorities
(Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program 10.220)
This program is designed to increase the ethnic and cultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional work force, and to advance the educational achievement of minority Americans. Money is given to colleges and universities that have a demonstrable capacity to attract, educate, and graduate minority students for careers as agriscience and agribusiness professionals. Contact the National Program Leader, Education Programs, CSREES, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stop 2251, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-1973; Continue reading
Loans to Purchase On-Farm Storage Facilities
3000 To Pay Your Heating Bills and Weatherize Your Home
Two other grant programs for home improvement are the Weatherization Program and the Energy Assistance Program. The Weatherization Program helps to do some household repairs that will make your home more energy efficient. Linda Wildey stated that there is currently a list of people waiting for services, but they are put in order of need. Maximum household income is $14,925 per year, although they take into consideration medical expenses. The Energy Assistance Program will begin again in November and offers help with large heating bills. For more information contact Linda Wildey, Interlocal Community Action Program, 525 E. 7th St. P.O. Box 305, Rushville, IN 46173; 765-932-2863. For more information on Weatherization assistance, check out the programs at Weatherization Assistance Programs Branch, EE44, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20585; 800-DOE-373. For energy assistance information, go to the Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW, 5th Floor West, Washington, DC 20447; 866-674-6327 (toll-free)
Grants to Sell Food Related Products Overseas
Grants to Livestock Producers
Money to Study Food
(Food and Agricultural Science National Needs Graduate Fellowship Grants 10.210)
These grants are to be used to encourage outstanding students to pursue and complete a graduate degree in an area of the food and agricultural sciences for which there is a national need for development of scientific expertise. Money can be used to support a student completing a graduate, masters, or doctorate degree. Students must apply to those institutions that received the money. Contact the Grants Program Manager, Office of Higher Education Programs, CSREES, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Stop 2251, Washington, DC 20250-2251; 202-720-7854; Continue reading
Grants to Market Food Related Products Overseas
1500000 Grant To Organizations Who Help Small Businesses in Small Towns
The Rural Business Opportunity Grants program offers over $8 million in grants to non-profit organizations, who in turn give the money to entrepreneurs to start businesses in small towns. Find out what groups in your area have this money for you to use. Contact Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA, Specialty Lenders Division, STOP 3225, Room 6767, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250, 202-720-1400