Housing Loans

150000 To Help Veterans and Unmarried Spouses of Veterans to Buy or Fix Up A Home

Called Veterans Housing – Guaranteed and Insured Loans and referred to as Program #64.114 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this programs assists veterans, certain service personnel, and certain unmarried surviving spouses of veterans, in obtaining credit for the purchase, construction or improvement of homes on more liberal terms than are generally available to non-veterans. Contact you local Veterans Administration office at Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC 20420, 202-273-7390

Visit: www.homeloans.va.gov/eligmap.htm.

50000 to Fix Up Your Home After a Natural Disaster

Called Direct Housing-Natural Disaster Loans and Grants and referred to as Program #10.444 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides grants to assist very-low income owner- occupants to repair or replace damaged property as a direct result of a natural disaster. Loans are made in counties named by the Federal Management Agency as being eligible for Federal assistance under an emergency declaration by the President. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing Service

Visit: offices.usda.gov/scripts/ndISAPI.dll/oip_public/USA_map

200000 to Fix Up Homes in the Country

Called The Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants Program and referred to as Program #10.405 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides decent, safe, and sanitary low-rent housing and related facilities for domestic farm laborers. The loans and grants may be used for construction, repair, or purchase of year-round or seasonal housing; acquiring the necessary land and making improvements on land for housing; and developing related support facilities including central cooking and dining facilities, small infirmaries, laundry facilities, day care centers, other essential equipment and facilities or recreation areas. Funds may also be used to pay certain fees and interest incidental to the project. Restrictions on the use of funds are: The housing must be of a practical type and must be constructed in an economical manner and not of elaborate material or extravagant design. Housing financed with labor housing loan or grant funds must be occupied by domestic farm laborers and their families. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing Service

Visit: offices.usda.gov/scripts/ndISAPI.dll/oip_public/USA_map

200000 to Fix Up Homes in the Country

Called The Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants Program and referred to as Program #10.405 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides decent, safe, and sanitary low-rent housing and related facilities for domestic farm laborers. The loans and grants may be used for construction, repair, or purchase of year-round or seasonal housing; acquiring the necessary land and making improvements on land for housing; and developing related support facilities including central cooking and dining facilities, small infirmaries, laundry facilities, day care centers, other essential equipment and facilities or recreation areas. Funds may also be used to pay certain fees and interest incidental to the project. Restrictions on the use of funds are: The housing must be of a practical type and must be constructed in an economical manner and not of elaborate material or extravagant design. Housing financed with labor housing loan or grant funds must be occupied by domestic farm laborers and their families. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing Service at

Visit: offices.usda.gov/scripts/ndISAPI.dll/oip_public/USA_map

150000 to Help Veterans and Unmarried Spouses of Veterans to Buy or Fix Up a Home

Called Veterans Housing – Guaranteed and Insured Loans and referred to as Program #64.114 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this programs assists veterans, certain service personnel, and certain unmarried surviving spouses of veterans, in obtaining credit for the purchase, construction or improvement of homes on more liberal terms than are generally available to non-veterans. Contact your local Veterans Administration office at Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC 20420, 202-273-7390

Visit: www.homeloans.va.gov/eligmap.htm

1000000 to Purchase or Fix Up Rental Housing in Small Towns

Called the Rural Rental Housing Loans Programs and referred to as Program #10.415 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, it provides economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for rural residents. Loans can be used to construct, or to purchase and substantially rehabilitate rental or cooperative housing or to develop manufactured housing projects. Housing as a general rule will consist of multi-units with two or more family units and any appropriately related facilities. Funds may also be used to provide approved recreational and service facilities appropriate for use in connection with the housing and to buy and improve the land on which the buildings are to be located. Loans may not be made for nursing, special care, or institutional-type homes).Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing Service

Visit: offices.usda.gov/scripts/ndISAPI.dll/oip_public/USA_map