Grants And Loans

5000000 to Build or Fix Up an Apartment Building

Called Mortgage Insurance for the Purchase or Refinancing of Existing Multifamily Housing Projects and referred to as Program #14.155 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides money for existing multifamily housing projects, whether conventionally financed or subject to federally insured mortgages at the time of application for mortgage insurance. Only projects not requiring substantial rehabilitation are acceptable under this section. The estimated cost of required repairs may not exceed 15 percent of the estimated value after repairs or $6,500 per unit adjusted by a high cost factor, whichever is greater and may not involve the replacement of more than one major system. The program has statutory per unit mortgage limits which vary according to the size of the unit, the type of structure, and the location of the project. There are also loan-to- value and debt service limitations. Prevailing wage requirements under the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply to this program. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


Get a 2000 Grant To Fix Up Your Home

A family of 4 can be making close to $30,000 a year and still be eligible for a 2% interest loan from local their Community Action Agency. Some agencies also offer grants or are aware of other local organizations that provide grants. There are about 1,000 of them around the country to help neighborhoods. To find an agency near you, contact National Association of Community Action Agencies, 1100 17th St., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, 202-265-7546; Fax: 202-265-8850


Fortunes Are Made In HUD Foreclosed Property

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development sometimes needs to sell multifamily housing projects that are owned by the Department or are subject to a mortgage held by the Department. The property can also be sold with a grant for the rehabilitation of the property if the new owners meet certain requirements. See Program #14.199 Multifamily Property Disposition at Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Housing, Multifamily Housing Programs, Office of Asset Management, Room 6160, 451 7th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410; 202-708-0614, extension 2680


Learn About Government Contracts

Find out how to get a government contract. The government purchases more of anything than anyone else in the world and they do it all over the country. My sister has received over $300,000 in government contracts for her small picture framing business. I even read where the government spent $30,000 on a freelance priest. Learning how to get a $100,000 contract is better than learning how to get a $100,000 grant. A grant is only a one-time thing. A contract you can keep getting again and again. Your local Small Business Development Center can help you get government contracts. You can find your local office.


50000 From Your Phone Company To Start A Business

if you live in a small town or want to live in a small town and want to be an entrepreneur. In it’s efforts to create jobs in small towns the government gives grants to local phone and electric utility companies who are to take that money and help entrepreneurs start or expand a business. The program is called Rural Economic Development Grants at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Find out who got this money in your area so you can get some.


Achievement Award + Cash Award for Charity

The Heinz Family Foundation R.O.S.E. Achievement Award recognizes a woman survivor of violence for her work and achievements in the area of ending violence against women. The recipient’s choice of nonprofit organization receives the cash award. Contact: The R.O.S.E. Fund, Inc., (formerly Ryka Rose Foundation), 175 Federal St., Ste. 455, Boston, MA 02110; (617) 482-5400; Fax: (617) 482-3443


Save 250 On A Speeding Ticket

Even the most elaborate of modern technology isn’t always 100% perfect all of the time. The report Police Traffic Radar, published in 1980, is still accurate and shows that all police radar tracking devices are not accurate all of the time. Such evidence can be helpful in the defense of your case. The laboratory also has information regarding alcohol breath testing devices, including Breath Alcohol Sampling Simulator for Qualification Testing of Breath Alcohol Measurement Devices. Both publications are free. Contact: Office of Law Enforcement Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Dr., Building 225, Room A-323, Gaithersburg, MD 20899; 301-975-2757


1000000 to Purchase or Fix Up Rental Housing in Small Towns

Called the Rural Rental Housing Loans Programs and referred to as Program #10.415 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, it provides economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for rural residents. Loans can be used to construct, or to purchase and substantially rehabilitate rental or cooperative housing or to develop manufactured housing projects. Housing as a general rule will consist of multi-units with two or more family units and any appropriately related facilities. Funds may also be used to provide approved recreational and service facilities appropriate for use in connection with the housing and to buy and improve the land on which the buildings are to be located. Loans may not be made for nursing, special care, or institutional-type homes).Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing Service
