Grants And Loans
A Good Government Job is Worth Millions
The government hires about 30,000 people a MONTH. And only about 2,000 of those are in Washington. The rest are all over the country and all over the world. Right now there are over 17,000 jobs available in their database. Good pay, great benefits and you could be doing fun stuff like working for NASA, investigating volcanoes, or supporting our troops overseas
Make Money Selling Elvis Memorabilia
The National Archives and Records Administration has many historical documents on their web site in the online exhibit hall. For example, you can see a picture of the first meeting between Elvis and President Nixon, and also a letter written from the king (Elvis) to President Nixon. You might also wish to look over the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, or the Bill of Rights. You can view all the documents and many more by going to the National Archives and Records Administration’s web site at
2500 Per Year to Repay Undergraduate Loans
Due to a critical teacher shortage in Florida, the Florida Department of Education is offering Teachers forgiveness of their student loans. If you are a Florida teacher and you are certified in a critical teacher shortage subject area contact The Office of Student Financial Assistance, 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 70, Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4759; 888-827-2004. To find out more about this program, visit their website
27000 In Grants And Loans To Fix Up Your Home
Grants can be used for replacement of heating, plumbing or electrical services, roof or basic structure as well as water and waste disposal systems, and weatherization. Loans are for up to 20 years at only 1% interest. See Program #10.417 Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants (Section 504 Rural Housing Loans Grants) at Director, Single-Family Housing Processing Division, Rural Housing Service, Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-1474
150000 to Help Veterans and Unmarried Spouses of Veterans to Buy or Fix Up a Home
Called Veterans Housing – Guaranteed and Insured Loans and referred to as Program #64.114 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this programs assists veterans, certain service personnel, and certain unmarried surviving spouses of veterans, in obtaining credit for the purchase, construction or improvement of homes on more liberal terms than are generally available to non-veterans. Contact your local Veterans Administration office at Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC 20420, 202-273-7390
Phone Best For Getting Grants
A telephone-based study conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project of 2,925 adult Americans showed that 53% preferred to contact the government by phone or in person and only 35% prefer either Web or email. 10% cited a letter as their top choice. Even Internet users are more likely to use the telephone or in-person visits instead of Web or email.
Non Profit Credit Counselors DON’T Have Your Interest
at heart. That’s why they are being investigated by FTC and the IRS. Counseling agency officers make a lot of money with back office deals. They’re charging you fees to pay your bills. They make money from the credit card companies. They won’t tell you about bankruptcy.
100000 New Jobs
And if you are looking for a job, why would you ever consider looking to the government for work? Our budget hysteria sounds similar to a news story about Black and Decker laying off 1,000 workers. It sort of makes it seem like a stupid place to look for work. But, in fact, the Bush administration, in last 3 years, added 75,000 new federal workers. The prior administration eliminated over 300,000 workers. So if you are looking for a job, it seems even more stupid to go to Walmart who only has 1.3 million positions it has to keep filled, when the government has over 15 million positions it has to keep filled. And, I’m sure the government offers better pension and health care benefits and won’t lock you in the store at night, unless maybe you’re working in a nuclear missile silo!
Low Interest Mortgage Loans Can Be Rip Offs
Make sure you don’t get caught in the type of scam the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is investigating. A mortgage broker was advertising the following on the web: Free 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30- year Fixed at Today’s Rate with No Costs – No Kidding. They lied and the FTC froze all their assets.
Join the Club and Get a Home For 500 Down
HomeFree USA features financial assistance programs as well as education, referral and counseling services for prospective buyers in the metropolitan Washington area. Membership is required for participation in programs. Members have access to a variety of financial aid packages related to homeownership, including money for downpayments, closing costs and access to special money-saving mortgage programs. HomeFree offers a mortgage plan requiring $500 down and closing cost grants that do not need to be repaid. Also offered to members are assistance with credit, debt, and tax issues, counseling on savings, debt and budgeting, access to a number of mortgage professionals, assistance in applying for a mortgage, classes in smart homeownership, and step-by-step counseling to make sure the member’s financial interests are protected in the home buying process. Contact: HomeFreeUSA, 318 Riggs Road, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20011. Phone: (202) 526-2000 or (800) 289-4632; fax: (202) 526-4072
Grants To Pay For A Down Payment
on a home are available through a non-profit organization called AmeriDream, Inc. It’s a little complicated, but my understanding is that to get government money to buy a home, the seller cannot give you a down payment to help you buy the home. But they can give the money to a non-profit, who in turn can give you the money. Anyway, the deal can get done and you don’t need to put up money.
1000 A Month To Pay Your Mortgage
if you lose your job. It’s called the Mortgage Guardian program and it will pay your mortgage for up to 6 months. Check with your state housing association to see if you are eligible for a similar program. Here is the program in Wisconsin
Free Classes and Fee based Seminars On How To Get Grants
The Foundation Center in Atlanta has a wide range of information about possible sources of funding. The Center offers workshops for the beginner grant seeker. They also have a library located at 50 Hurt Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303. The phone number is 404-880-0095 or 94. An online database of 5,600 foundations and public charity programs is available for a monthly fee.
Pennsylvania Soldiers Collect 2500
A one-time student loan forgiveness benefit of up to $2,500 can be yours if you served in the Armed Forces, in an active duty status, between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2004. The Armed Forces Loan Forgiveness Program recognizes the bravery, dedication, and loyalty of our servicemen and women who served in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. To learn more about this program contact the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, PA State Grants and Special Programs, 1200 N 7th St, Harrisburg PA 17102-1444; (800)233-0557
Costa Rica Knows How To Buy Health Care
according to the World Bank, Costa Ricans spend an average of $273 per person, per year, on health care and have a life expectancy of 77.6 years. U.S. citizens spend and average of $4,499 per person per year on health care and have a life expectancy of 78 years.The U.S. spends more on health care than any other developed country, and there are 41 countries where people live longer.
Get Your Customers 62/Wk To Pay For You
Up to $62 per week for full time care infant through five-years-old, $18 per day for part time care for infants through five-year-olds, and $37 per week before and after school program from the federal Child Care and Development Funds Program. The Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) Program helps families in Georgia pay for early childhood and school age care and education programs. Families with a limited income who are working, attending school or training may qualify for subsidized childcare. Chattooga County Department of Family and Children Services, 302 South Commerce Street, P.O. Box 250, Summerville, GA 30747-0250; 706-857-0817; Fax: 706-857-0823
3500 Grant to Improve Your Home So It Cuts Your Utility Bills
This program is called the Energy Efficient Mortgages Program and can be used to make energy-efficient improvements in one to four existing and new homes. The improvements can be included in a borrower’s mortgage only if their total cost is less than the total dollar value of the energy that will be saved during their useful life. The cost of the improvements that may be eligible for financing as part of the mortgage is either 5 percent of the property’s value (not to exceed $8,000) or $4,000–whichever is greater. The maximum mortgage limit for a single-family home is $160,950, plus the cost of the eligible energy-efficient improvements.
Free Care At Hospitals Nursing Homes and Health Centers For People Who Can’t Pay Their Bills
a government law requires those health facilities who receive government funds to give their services away for free to those who have trouble paying their bills. Find the facilities near you and take advantage of them. Or if you owe one of them money show them why you don’t have to pay.
2000 For Teenage Entrepreneurs
The Allen Dayton Young Entrepreneur Contest chooses about 14 Nebraska High school seniors and gives them from $500 to $2,000 for their entrepreneuring potential.
5000 to Get Rid of Lead Paint in Your Home
Called the Lead-based Paint Hazard Control in Privately-Owned Housing Program and referred to as Program #14.900 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides grants to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in privately- owned housing that is owned by or rented to low- or very-low income families. Specific objectives include: (1) building the capacity necessary to eliminate lead-based paint hazards in all housing; (2) preventing childhood lead poisoning; (3) involving cooperation among all levels of government, the private sector, faith-based organizations, and community-based organizations; (4) integrating comprehensive community approaches to address lead hazards in housing; (5) integration of lead- safe practices into other programs which will continue beyond the life of the grant; (6) establishment of a public registry of lead-safe housing; and (7) promoting job training, employment, and other economic lift opportunities for low-income residents of project neighborhoods. . Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at
Is Your Child Ready For Kindergarten
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE), University of Illinois, Children’s Research Center, 51 Gerty Dr., Champaign, IL 61820-7469; 800-583-4135; 217-333-1386
75000 To Be A Substance Abuse Leader
Treatment prevention professionals, social workers, community organizers and more are eligible to apply for this money from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
A 100000 Grant Went To A Company Called TV One
a newly launched cable company operating in Silver Spring, Md. They got this money from the Montgomery Country Department of Economic Development They also received a $75,000 grant from the state office of economic development and another $75,000 grant from the state to train their employees. In addition they received another $150,000 in grant money from the State of Maryland
More People File For Bankruptcy Then Graduate From College
. According to the National Center For Education Statistics, the number of people who received a 4 year college degree in 2002 was 1,244,177 According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, the number of people who filed for bankruptcy that same year was 1,539,111. In 2003 this number went to 1,625,208.
2000000 to Fix Up Multifamily Units
Called the Supplemental Loan Insurance Multifamily Rental Housing Program and referred to as Program #14.151 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, it can be used to finance repairs, additions and improvements to multifamily projects, group practice facilities, hospitals, or nursing homes already insured by HUD or held by HUD. Major movable equipment for insured nursing homes, group practice facilities or hospitals may be covered by a mortgage under this program. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development