Grants And Loans
Get 500000 To Sell Your Goods or Services
If you are a woman owned business or a minority business you can get up to $500,000 in loans to help sell what ever you have to a transportation related agency at the federal state or local level. The government buys anything from web design to landscaping. Ask about Disadvantaged Business Enterprise-Short Term Lending programs from the U.S. Department of Transportation at 800-532-1169 or at
30000 Worth Of Free Hospital Care
Don’t have money for your gall bladder surgery? What about that hospital visit you had two months ago? You might not have to pay a cent. Call the Hill-Burton Hotline. Under this program, certain hospitals and other health care facilities provide free or low-cost medical care to patients who cannot afford to pay. You may qualify even if your income is up to double the Poverty Income Guidelines. For more information, contact Hill-Burton Hotline, Health Resources and Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 11-19, Rockville, MD 20857; 800-638-0742; 800-492-0359 (in MD);
Low Interest Loans And Cheap Payments
Through the Technology Assistance Project, there are loans available for those who need money to cover the cost of adaptive equipment. An equipment exchange program and used wheelchair vans are also listed on the website. Contact: ICAN-Increasing Capabilities Access Network, Arkansas Rehabilitation Service, 2201 Brookwood, #117, Little Rock, AR 72202; 800-828-2799
5000000 For Investors To Develop Housing For Seniors Moderate Income Families And People With Disabilities
(14.135) Mortgage Insurance – Rental and Cooperative Housing for Moderate Income Families and Elderly, Market Interest Rate
Full Tuition and Books Scholarships Plus Stipend
The Nursing Scholarship Program (NSP or Nursing Scholarship) is a competitive Federal program which awards scholarships to individuals for attendance at schools of nursing. The scholarship consists of payment for tuition, fees, other reasonable educational costs, and a monthly support stipend. In return, the students agree to provide a minimum of two years of full-time clinical service (or an equivalent part-time commitment, as approved by the NSP) at a health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. You must be willing to be placed at a health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. You could be placed in the District of Columbia, Guam, or the Virgin Islands. For more information call: 1-866-867-6856 or emailOr contact the program headquarters address below: Nurse Education Branch, Division of Nursing, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9-36, Rockville, MD 20857, 301-443-3232
Is Your Child Ready For Kindergarten
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE), University of Illinois, Children’s Research Center, 51 Gerty Dr., Champaign, IL 61820-7469; 800-583-4135; 217-333-1386
25000 To Make Your Home Energy Efficient
the government wants to loan you money to make your home more energy efficient. It could be new windows, siding, roof, heating and cooling system or more. Being more energy efficient will cut your utility bills and increase the value of your home.
Free Food Twice A Month
The Salvation Army operates a food pantry twice a month. For more information contact Salvation Army, 103 N. Main St., Rushville, IN 46173; 765-932-3530. For more information on the Salvation Army, contact The Salvation Army National Headquarters, 615 Slaters Lane, P.O. Box 269, Alexandria, VA 22313; 703-684-5500
Stop Bullying Now
it’s hard to deal with bullying either as a kid or an adult.
Reverse Mortgages For Seniors
Called Reserve Mortgages For Seniors and referred to as Program #14.183 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program enables elderly homeowners, 62 years of age or older, to convert equity in their homes to monthly streams of income – except for Texas – lines of credit. HUD insures lenders against loss on reverse mortgage loans. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Look on the left-hand side of the page to search for your local field office.
See If You Qualify For Your State Health Care Programs
Every state has a number of health care programs that are paid for by federal and state government funding. Most of the programs have income requirements, but the maximum income can go up to $40,000 or more for a family. Every state has a number of programs to protect people in financial trouble. There are programs to help pay for food, help pay for day care, and help pay for medical.
Matching State Money for Your Business
The Rhode Island Economic Development Set-Aside-Program provides matching job-training funds to companies that relocate to or expand in the state. The funds may be used for new, full-time employee training through either customized or on-the-job training programs. The program also may be used to retrain or upgrade the skills of current employees. For more information, contact the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation
Your Customer Can Get 100000 To Buy Your Product
the government will actually give them up to $10 million to buy your goods or services if they are from another country. It’s a program that promotes U.S. goods and services to be sold overseas. All you have to do is to find a customer overseas who wants to buy your stuff. And there are other offices in the government that will find you the customers.
75000 A Year To Help Women Stop Smoking
That’s what’s being offered from the American Legacy Foundation to small non-profit organizations with good ideas.
Free Georgia Child Care Profile
The National Child Care Information Center provides state profiles that include demographic information about the children, families and child care in Georgia, as well as contact information for different state agencies involved in child care. The profiles also contain links to additional state and national resources.
Employees Volunteer to Get Cash Rewards
In addition to providing funding, the foundation supports community organizations by offering human resources through the WAVE program. WAVE is a volunteer program that helps Fannie Mae and Fannie Mae Foundation employees find volunteer opportunities and provide incentives for employees to participate in volunteer activities. Employees can receive up to 10 hours of paid leave per month to perform community service. The WAVE program also features a grants program called Dollars for Doers which matches employee volunteer hours with cash grants to the organizations for which they volunteer. Dollars for Doers grants range from $100 for 25 hours of service to $500 for 100 or more hours of service in one calendar year. The Employee Matching Gifts Program is another component of WAVE, which matches personal financial contributions by employees, up to $10,000 per year. Contact: Fannie Mae Foundation, 4000 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., N. Tower, Ste. 1, Washington, DC 20016-2804; (202) 274-8066 or (202) 274-8057 or (202) 274-8000; Fax: (202) 274-8100
Info On Government Money For Disabled Soldiers
is now available from a new government office set up to assist these soldiers in getting the help they need. Call800-833-6622. I hope the 800 number if more helpful than the web site because I wasn’t able to find any programs there that show people with disabilities how to get money to start a home business, fix up their home, go to school, find information from the best medical experts in the world at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, etc. Additionally, Iraqi War widows can get individual help from Lesko researchers.
Truck Stop Employees Get 2500 to Go to School
The Bill Moon Scholarship offers twelve $2,500 scholarships to truck stop industry employees or their dependents in memory of truck stop industry founding father, Bill Moon. Students who plan on enrolling on a full-time basis in postsecondary studies at an accredited school are eligible. Contact: The NATSO Foundation, 1199 N. Fairfax St., Ste. 801, Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 549-2100; Fax: (703) 684-9667
1000000 to Build or Fix Up Housing for People with Disabilities
Called the Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program and referred to as Program #14.181 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides for supportive housing for persons with disabilities. Capital advances may be used to construct, rehabilitate or acquire structures to be used as supportive housing for persons with disabilities. Project rental assistance is used to cover the difference between the HUD-approved operating costs of the project and the tenants’ contributions toward rent (30 percent of adjusted income). To identify if there are programs in your area, contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If the local office does not know what you are talking about, contact the main office at: Office of Housing Assistants and Grants Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410, 202-708-3000.
Get A Grant To Help People Who Need Housing
The Able Trust awards grants to groups that help people with special needs obtain housing. This could be domestic abuse victims, people with disabilities or families who do not have access to permanent housing. The link to this program is
Get A Degree At Home With Government Money
Why not? Now more than 56% of colleges offer learning over the internet and you can get government money to pay for it.
Government Backed Graduated Mortgage Payments
Called the Section 245 Graduated Payment Mortgage Program and referred to as Program #14.159 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program helps early home ownership for households that expect their incomes to rise. The program allows homeowners to make smaller monthly payments initially and to increase their size gradually over time. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Look on the left-hand side of the page to search for your local field office.
Banks That Love Giving To Small Business
you can actually see the data showing which banks in your state like giving money to small business and people starting businesses in their home. The information is collected by the Federal Reserve.
Don’t Hire Anyone To Collect Your Past Child Support
because the same people who brought you Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom will liberate your child support for free.
40000 Homebuyers Will Get Up To 10000 In Grants For Down payments
That’s because HUD’s American Dream Program announced it is giving out – $161.5 million in grants for first time home buyers. Look for your local agency that is giving out the money.