Grants And Loans
Knock 25000 Off Your Medical School Loans
Are you a clinician dedicated to working with our Nation’s underserved? If so, the National Health Service Corps can help you reduce your student loans by $25,000! Fully trained health professionals who commit to work in a community of great need are eligible to compete for repayment of their loans. In addition to loan repayment, these clinicians receive a competitive salary, some tax relief benefits, and a chance to have a significant impact on a community. For more information contact NHSC, 5600 Fishers Lane, Park lawn Building, Rockville, MD 20857; (800) 221-9393
Get 540 To Buy Fresh Produce
Seniors making up to $22,000/year can get as much as $540 to buy fresh fruit and vegetables from roadside stands. Through the little-known Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, seniors in 40 states can have the government help buy their produce. Simply take your issued coupons to participating roadside stands and get free fresh produce. Alabama has $1 million to distribute, while Pennsylvania has $1.5 million in funds. Find out how much your state can give you to buy food. Contact the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 926, Alexandria, VA 22302
13000 Per Year Of Loan Forgiveness For Rural Physicians
This program is offered to first, second, or third year primary care medical residents who plan to practice full-time in a designated rural area in Minnesota. Selected participants are eligible for four years of loan forgiveness. During each year that a participant serves as a physician in a designated rural area for a minimum of 30 hours per week for up to four years, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum of approximately $13,000. Applications are available by contacting the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; (800) 366-5424
Cheap Health Insurance For Disabled Workers
A change in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 allows states to offer Medicaid to individuals who are working and who have a disability. Prior to this, states could only offer Medicaid to people with disabilities who were NOT working. The income limit goes up to $40,000 a year. Contact your state Department of Health to identify your Medicaid office. You can also check out the website of the Bazelon Center
6000 Worth Of Free Speech Therapy For Preschoolers
It’s part of the U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and for kids of any income level. Check your local school district, or your state Department of Education, or Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202; 202-205-5507
Money to Buy or Fix Up Houses in The Pacific Islands or The Virgin Islands
Called the Community Development Block Grants/Special Purpose Grants/Insular Areas and referred to as Program #14.255 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides grants that can be used for housing and community development in the Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Is Grant Money Taxable?
The answer to this is the same answer to any good question, It Depends. Some grants are taxable and some are not. If you get a grant to start a business, I would assume you would have to treat that as taxable income but you would probably not pay any taxes on it because you would use the money to buy business deductible items like computers, office space, advertising etc. Grants and scholarships in excess of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment are considered taxable income. Grants given to veterans not taxable. A lot of grants given out to pay your energy bills or help pay your mortgage are not taxable.
Get 100000 Grant From The IRS
Organizations providing low-cost legal assistance to people involved in tax disputes can apply for grants worth up to $100,000 for the calendar year. This year $6 million was awarded to 102 organizations. Grants are awarded in December for the following year. To qualify for a grant, tax clinics must be run by accredited law, business, or accounting schools whose students represent taxpayers in tax disputes with the IRS or in the courts, or by tax-exempt organizations. These groups can represent taxpayers in tax-related matters, refer taxpayers to qualified representatives and provide non-English speaking taxpayers information about their tax rights and responsibilities. Clinics may charge tax payers a small fee for legal help. For more information request application package in Publication 3319 by phone at 800-829-3676 or visit the following web sites
Get 3000 Worth Of Free Tutoring For Your Child
The President’s No Child Left Behind initiative offers free tutoring from private companies to school children around the country. See if you are eligible by contacting your local school board or The No Child Left Behind Program at 888-814-NCLB
Free Money For Isabel Fixups
remember it is not only FEMA (Federal Energy Management Agency) that has money to fix things up after a hurricane. There is also grant money to fix up your home anytime. Check the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. This lists all the major federal programs. Look for housing programs at the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Energy and Agriculture.
Wondering Where To Find The Best Customers For Your Business
Or where is the best place to put up a store? Or which surrounding zip codes offer the best potential for increasing sales? Or where to get a list of all the accountants in your area? You don’t have to hire a high priced marketing consultant to get answers to questions like these. You can tap into the government’s rich vein of free marketing data collected by the Bureau of Census and other government agencies. This is where the multi-billion dollar companies get their marketing data and it’s where the high priced consultants also get it and the resell it to clients at outrageous fees. To get detailed information about data available for your state call your local Census State Data Center in your state capital or go to
900 Grants Programs Online FOR FREE
you can apply directly to government grants on-line. This website is a collaborative effort of 26 government agencies to put their grant information on the web. It’s certainly is not everything but it’s a good start.
Money For Teens To Learn To Build Or Fix Up Houses
Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are not going to school may be eligible to learn skills in construction and rehabilitation of housing.
15000 To Improve a New Home
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency’s Purchasing Improvement program allows borrowers to make up to $15,000 in home improvements in conjunction with the purchase of a home with a PHFA first mortgage loan. Eligible improvements include repairs, alterations or modifications to improve the basic livability, accessibility, energy efficiency or safety of the property.
Save 720 A Year On Medicare
Many people do not take advantage of the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program which covers the cost of Medicare Part B premiums. There are income limits you must meet. For more information on the program, contact Medicare at 800-MEDICARE; or go to the following website. You can also learn about the Medicare Drug Card. The New York Medicare Savings Coalition also has information on how to take advantage of the underutilized program that will cover the Medicare Part B premium.
Get Extra Money to Train For a Better Job
You may be able to get up to $10,000, plus travel money, day care money, clothing allowance and more to take a few months to upgrade your skills so you can get a job that pays more. Contact your local One-Stop Career Center to see what money programs are available in your area for training.
400 For Each Course
Infant/Toddler Stipend is a $400 stipend awarded to infant and toddler teachers/providers for each course successfully completed towards the infant and Toddler Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) at a Georgia technical college. The Infant and Toddler TCC is Georgia’s first statewide formal academic certificate for infant and toddler teachers and has been made possible with funding from DHR. For more information and a stipend application contact Quality Assist, Inc., 17 Executive Park Dr., Suite 150, Atlanta, GA 30329; 404-325-2225; 866-325-1993 (toll-free)
60000 For Renters Homeowners Or Investors To Improve Their Property
(14.142) Property Improvement Loan Insurance for Improving All Existing Structures and Buildings of New Nonresidential Structures
50000 to 500000 In Grants to Start A Day Care Center
in Pennsylvania if you are a non-profit organization and want to help families who need day care services. The money can be used for most anything in starting or expanding a day care center. And if you are not a non-profit, it doesn’t matter. The government will help you become one for next to nothing. Tell this office you are also looking the state’s small business development center’s office.
Get 4 Interest Rate Reduction Subsidy
Called The Interest Assistance Program and referred to as Program #10.437 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides a 4 percent subsidy to farmers and ranchers, who do not qualify for standard commercial credit. Guaranteed loans are serviced by a lender who has entered into a Lenders Agreement with the agency. The total loan limit for a guaranteed loan cannot exceed $731,000. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing Service.
Cars Available At Steep Discounts
Vehicles for Change solicits donations of used cars from the community and rehabs the vehicles for resale to eligible individuals and families. Vehicles for Change repairs the donated cars in partnership with Precision Tune and CertiPro Warehouse and provides them to qualified families for a nominal fee of $700-$950. Each recipient receives a 12-month loan to assist in the purchase of the car. Contact: Northern Virginia Family Services, Inc. 9842 Business Way, Manassas, VA 20110, 703-392-4901; Vehicles for Change Phone: (703) 533-2543
No Money? No Insurance
Find over 6,000 sources of free doctor care, prescription drugs, health care products, services and treatment in my book Free Health Care.
Work Part Time Making 17/Hr Plus Benefits
in HONOLULU for the government. They are also hiring screeners in Dallas, Detroit, Florida, Las Vegas, Denver, Norfolk, New York, California, Ohio and others. The jobs are for airport screeners and you are eligible for health insurance, life insurance, retirement, paid annual vacation and sick leave. Do you get that at Wal Mart? Go to and then click on Employment,
Money For Taking Care of Seniors
Get money for grandma to fix up her home, get free in-home services, get help checking out a nursing home that is not treating dad right. You can get free help for solving most any problem you have with a senior in your life. Contact Eldercare Locator, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, 1-800-677-1116 (9am to 8pm EST)
Pennsylvania Nurses Receive 12500 To Pay Off Nursing School Loans
Imagine repaying your student loans just by doing your job! To help recruit and retain qualified nursing in Pennsylvania, the Nursing Loan Forgiveness for Healthier Futures program was created to help struggling nurses repay their student loans. By working for a participating Pennsylvania health care organization, after graduation from an approved nursing education program, you may receive student loan forgiveness for up to 25 percent (a maximum of $12,500) of your eligible debt over a three-year period. Contact the American Education Services, Nursing Loan Forgiveness for Healthier Futures Program, Lender School Team, PO Box 2461, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2461; (800) 859-5442