Free Help Getting Money For A Disability
can start by contacting a free service called The Clearinghouse on Disability Information, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Dept. of Education, 202-205-8241. …… for help with getting money for education and training contact Higher Education and Adult Training for People with Handicaps (HEATH), George Washington University, 800-544-3284
Go On A Free Archeological Dig
The Lesko’s went on an archeological dig in Alaska and and you can too! Passport in Time is a volunteer archaeology and historic preservation program of the USDA Forest Service. You work with professionals on projects including archaeological excavation, rock art restoration, gathering oral histories, and more. Volunteers have helped stabilize ancient cliff dwellings in New Mexico, excavate a 10,000-year-old village site in Minnesota, restore a historic lookout tower in Oregon, clean vandalized rock art in Colorado, survey for sites in a rugged Montana wilderness, and excavate a 19th-century Chinese mining site in Hell’s Canyon, Idaho. You need to get to the site, but once there many offer free or cheap housing and meal options. To take advantage of this government opportunity contact: Passport in Time Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 31315, Tucson, AZ 85751; 800-281-9176