Free Money For School

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Money to Study the Break Up of the USSR

(Program for Study of Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union 19.300)
The program is designed to sustain and strengthen American expertise on the Commonwealth of Independent States, Georgia, the Baltic countries, and countries of Eastern Europe by supporting graduate training; advanced research; public dissemination of research data, methods, and findings; contact and collaboration among government and private specialists; and first hand experience of the (former) Soviet Union and Eastern European countries by American specialists, and more. Funds are given to nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning who act as intermediaries. Students must apply to those institutions that received the money. Contact the Eurasian and East European Research and Training Program, INR/RES, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C St., NW, Room 2251, Washington, DC 20520; 202-736-4572; Continue reading

Georgetown Graduates 100% Loan Forgiveness

This Program is to help JD graduates in pursuing careers in the field of public interest law. The Georgetown University Law Centers Loan Repayment Assistance Program offers eligible participants 100% forgiveness. To qualify applicants must be JD graduates from the class of 1996 and beyond. Contact the Financial Aid Office/LRAP Committee, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001; 202-662-9080; Continue reading

New Mexico Graduates Receive $25,000

The New Mexico Commission on Higher Education has created a loan-for-service program designed to increase the number of ethnic minorities and women available to teach in an academic discipline in which ethnic minorities and women are demonstrably underrepresented in New Mexico public colleges and universities. If eligible the maximum award is $25,000 per year. Contact the New Mexico Commission on Higher Education, 1068 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505; 505-476-6500; Continue reading

Money for Health Care Training in Rural Areas

(Interdisciplinary Training For Health Care For Rural Areas 93.192)
This program is designed to help fulfill the health care needs of people living in rural areas. Money is set aside to recruit and retain health care professionals in rural health care settings. Funds can be used for student stipends, postdoctoral fellowships, faculty training, and the purchase or rental of necessary transportation and telecommunication equipment. Money can be used to support health profession students. Students must apply to those institutions that have received the money. Contact the Division of Associated, Dental and Public Health Professions, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, Room 8C-26, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-6867; 877-477-2123; Continue reading

$$$$$ Loan Forgiveness $$$$$

This program is offered to individuals currently attending a program of study designed to prepare the individual for service as a midlevel practitioner. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. For each year that a participant serves as a midlevel practitioner in a designated rural area for a minimum of 30 hours per week, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump (approximately $6,000). Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 800-366-5424, 651-282-6302; Continue reading

$2,500 For Foodservice Research

This grant is for School Nutrition Association members who want to conduct academic or non-academic research applicable to local or state-level foodservice programs. Contact School Nutrition Association, 700 S. Washington St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314; 703-739-3900; Fax: 703-739-3915; Continue reading

Money for American Indians Who Want to Be Health Care Professionals

(Health Professions Recruitment Program For Indians 93.970)
The program objective is to increase the number of American Indians and Alaskan Natives who become health professionals. Some of the projects funded include the recruitment of American Indians into health care programs, a variety of retention services once students have enrolled, and scholarship support. Students should contact their school directly for assistance. Contact Indian Health Service, Division of Health Professions Support, 801 Thompson Ave., Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852; 301-443-4242; Continue reading

$10,000 to Attend Medical School

This foundation makes annual grants to students with inadequate financial resources. Students must be third or fourth year medical students in attendance at medical schools in states east of or contiguous to the Mississippi River. Grants will not exceed $10,000.
Contact Joseph Collins Foundation, Joseph Collins Foundation, attn: Loretta Ippolito, 787 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10019; 212-728-8000; students apply to their financial aid office of their medical school.

Matthew Lesko’s Government Money Club has the answers on getting free government money, grants and loans. Members enjoy 1000’s of searchable sources (above) free “How To” videos on a huge variety of topics. Including getting a government grants for college. Join today and get free live help locating and filling out applications to change your life.

Receive $5,000 to Help Pay Off Student Loans While Making a Difference

The Federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program offers individuals who teach full-time for five consecutive complete academic years, in certain elementary and secondary schools serving low-income families, forgiveness of up to a combined total of $5,000 in principal and interest of their Direct Loan and/or Federal Family Education Loan Programs (FFELP) loans. Contact American Education Services AES/PHEAA, Attn: Loan Discharge, 1200 N. 7th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102-1444; 800-692-7392, 717-720-2676; Continue reading

Up to $21,250 Medical School Loan Forgiveness

This program offers the University of Arizona Medical Students loan forgiveness of up to $21,250 per year with a maximum of four years. Each participant is required to a two year service commitment at a board approved location. Contact Maggie Gumble, U. of Arizona College of Medicine, Financial Aid Office, PO Box 245026 Tucson, AZ 85724-5026; 520-626-7145; Continue reading

$50,000 to do Research at Postdoctoral Level

ACLS Fellowships provide awards to individual scholars at the postdoctoral level to pursue research in the humanities and social sciences. The program offers up to $50,000 for Full Professor and equivalent, $40,000 for Associate Professor and equivalent, and $30,000 for Assistant Professor and equivalent (also includes New York Public Library Fellowships) for six to twelve months of research leave between July and February. Contact the American Council of Learned Societies, 633 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017-6795; 212-697-1505; Fax: 212-949-8058; Continue reading

Scholarships for National Health Service Corps

(National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program 93.288)
The program objective is to provide service-conditioned scholarships to health professions students to assure an adequate supply of physicians, dentists, certified nurse midwives, certified nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in Health Professional Shortage Areas. The scholarship pays for tuition and required fees, books, supplies, and equipment for the year, plus a monthly stipend to students, and a single annual payment to cover the cost of all other reasonable educational expenses. Each year of support incurs one year of service. Contact Division of National Health Service Corps, NHSC Scholarship Program, c/o I.Q. Solutions, 11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 801, Rockville, MD 20852; 301-594-4400; 800-638-0824; Continue reading

Health Careers Opportunity Program

(Health Careers Opportunity Program 93.822)
The Health Careers Opportunity Program provides assistance to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to obtain a health or allied health profession degree. Grants can be used to identify, recruit, and select individuals from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds for education and training in a health or allied health professions school; facilitate entry of eligible students into such schools; provide counseling or other services designed to assist such individuals in successfully completing their education and training; provide preliminary education for a period prior to entry into the regular course of health or allied health professions education, and more. For a listing of institutions that received money, contact the Division of Health Careers, Diversity and Development, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Room 8A-09, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-1348; Continue reading

Work-Study Program Pays for School

(Federal Work-Study Program 84.033)
Part-time employment is available to students to help meet education expenses. This program pays an hourly wage to undergraduates. Graduate students may be paid by the hour or may receive a salary. A Student Financial Aid Handbook is available, as is a list of grantee institutions, by contacting Federal Student Aid Information Center, P.O. Box 84, Washington, DC 20044; 800-433-3243. Contact the Division of Policy Development, Student Financial Assistance Programs, Office of Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202; 800-443-3243; Continue reading

Up to $20,000/Year for D.D.S

If you are a Dentist and willing to sign a contract committing two years of full-time primary care clinical services in a public or nonprofit entity located in a Federally-designated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) in Iowa, you can receive up to $20,000 of loan forgiveness. The Iowa PRIMECARRE Loan Repayment Program requires that all applicants be a US citizen, licensed to practice in Iowa, and have Medical education-related debts. Contact Bureau of Health Care Access, Attn: Patricia Kehoe, PRIMECARRE Coordinator, 321 E. 12th Street, 5th Floor, Des Moines, IA 50319; 515-281-7689, 800-308-5986; Continue reading

Money to Train to Be a Professional Nurse

(Professional Nurse Traineeships 93.358)
The program objective is to prepare individuals who have completed basic nursing preparation as nurse educators, public health nurses, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners, or as other clinical nursing specialists. Money can be used to support a student while they complete the professional nurse traineeships. Students must apply to those institutions that have received the program money. Contact the Division of Nursing, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9-35, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-6333; Continue reading

Scholarships for Health Care Professionals

(Health Professions Scholarship Program 93.972)
This program objective is to provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaskan natives attending health professions schools and who are interested in serving other Indians. Upon completion, scholarship recipients are obligated to serve in the Indian Health Service one year for each year of scholarship support, with a minimum of two years. Contact Indian Health Service, Scholarship Program, 801 Thompson Ave., Suite 120, Rockville, MD 20852; 301-443-6197; Continue reading

Let the Navy Help You Pay Off up to $65,000 of Your Student Loans

The Navy will pay for up to $65,000 of loans acquired from a post???secondary education for college students and graduates who qualify. To be eligible for the program the loan cannot be in default and it must be the applicant???s first enlistment. The LRP is available to all active Navy enlisted positions! Contact the U.S. Navy at 800-872-6289; Continue reading

$3,000 Loan Repayment Assistance from Seattle University

This program is open to all graduates of the Seattle University School of Law. Graduates who choose full time public interest legal careers and are licensed attorneys may be eligible to receive up to $3000 of forgiveness. The qualifying income limit is a maximum of $45,000 annually and the graduate must remain in qualifying public interest employment for at least one year. Contact the Office of Financial Aid, Seattle University of Law, 901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122-1090; 206-398-4250; Continue reading

$13,000 Lump Sum Student Loan Forgiveness

This program is offered to first, second or third year primary care medical residents who plan to practice full-time in an underserved urban area in Minnesota. Selected participants are eligible for four years of loan forgiveness. During each year that a participant serves as a physician in an underserved urban area for a minimum of 30 hours per week for up to four years, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum (approximately $13,000). Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 800-366-5424, 651-282-6302; Continue reading

$3,000 a Year to Be a Merchant Marine

(State Marine Schools 20.806)
The program objective is to train merchant marine officers in State Marine Schools. You can receive $3,000 per year to train to be a merchant marine officer at a designated State Marine School. In exchange for this incentive payment program, you must commit yourself to a minimum of five years duty to the Maritime Administration. You must also remain in a reserve unit of an armed force for a minimum of eight years. Students need to apply to one of the State Marine Schools. Contact the Office of Maritime Labor and Training, Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 7th St., SW, Washington, DC 20590; 202-366-5755; 800-996-2723; Continue reading

$24,000 To Study Environmental Policy

The Morris K. Udall Fellowship Program awards two Ph.D. dissertation fellowships of $24,000 to students whose work is in the areas of environmental public policy or environmental conflict resolution. Recipients must be in the final, writing year of their Ph.D. work and must submit a copy of their dissertation to the Udall Foundation at the end of the award year. Contact the Morris K. Udall Dissertation Fellowship Program, South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701-1922; 520-670-5609; Continue reading

Work in Alaska and Have Your Loans Forgiven

The Michael Murphy Loan is available to individuals who wish to study law enforcement, law, probation and parole, penology, or other related fields are eligible to work off one-fifth per year or 100% of their loans. To be eligible the applicant must work as a State Trooper (or related law enforcement official) in Alaska. Contact Lt. of Recruitment, Alaska State Troopers, 5700 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99507; 907-269-5511; Continue reading

Calling All Minnesota Nursing Students!! Receive $3,000 per Year for Loan Forgiveness

This program is offered to individuals currently attending a program of study designed to prepare the individual to become either a registered nurse, RN or a licensed practical nurse, LPN. Individuals must plan to practice full-time in a nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation or Related Conditions (ICFMR) in Minnesota after completion of their educational program. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. For each year that a participant serves as a RN or LPN in a nursing home or ICF/MR for an average of 30 hours per week, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum (approximately $3,500). Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 800-366-5424, 651-282-6302; Continue reading

Scholarships for Minorities

(Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program 10.220)
This program is designed to increase the ethnic and cultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional work force, and to advance the educational achievement of minority Americans. Money is given to colleges and universities that have a demonstrable capacity to attract, educate, and graduate minority students for careers as agriscience and agribusiness professionals. Contact the National Program Leader, Education Programs, CSREES, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stop 2251, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-1973; Continue reading

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