Money Club
Grants to Bioenergy Producers
$25,000 Loan Repayment Assistance from Washington
The Washington State Bar Association has approved an LRAP that will be administered through the Washington State Bar Foundation. The program will likely begin taking applications from its first round of participants in 2005. Loan repayment assistance will be $5,000/year per program participant for a maximum of 5 consecutive years. Contact Paula Littlewood, Deputy Director of the Washington State Bar Association, 2101 Fourth Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121-2330; 206-443-9722, 800-945-9722; Continue reading
$10,000 Of Student Loan Forgiveness
The Missouri Advantage Repayment Incentive Option (MARIO) will provide up to $10,000 in student loan forgiveness for college students who graduate with a math or science degree and go to work for a Missouri life science related company. The program offers up to $2,500 in loan forgiveness for every year the student works at a Missouri life science company for a maximum of four years. Contact Capitol Building, Room 216, Jefferson City, MO 65101; 573-751-3222; Continue reading
Millions Set Aside For Welfare Moms To Start Their Own Businesses
Loans for Disadvantaged Health Profession Students
(Loans for Disadvantaged Students 93.342)
Loans for Disadvantaged Students Program provides funding to eligible health professions schools for the purpose of providing long-term, low-interest loans to assist full-time, financially needy, disadvantaged students to pursue a career in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, pharmacy, or veterinary medicine. To apply for this loan, contact the student financial aid office at the school where you intend to apply for admission or where you are enrolled. Contact the Division of Health Careers, Diversity and Development, Bureau of Health Professions’ Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration, Parklawn Building, Room 8-34, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-4776; 888-275-4772; Continue reading
Venture Capital to Start a Business in West Bank/Gaza and Jordan
Money to Help Bus Operators Comply With Disability Requirements
Low-Rent Studios for Artists in New York City
Free Or Discounted Rent
Money for Businesses to Reduce High Energy Costs in Rural Communities
$90,000 for Entrepreneurs
Money for Members of Indian Tribes to Go to College
(Indian Education-Higher Education Grant Program 15.114)
The program objective is to provide financial aid to eligible Indian students to enable them to attend accredited institutions of higher education. Members of an Indian tribe may be eligible for these grants to supplement the total financial aid package prepared by their college financial aid officer. Contact Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education Programs, Room MS-3512-MIB, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240-0001; 202-208-6123; Continue reading
Money to Study Housing Issues
(Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant Program 14.516)
The program objective is to encourage doctoral candidates to engage in policy related housing and urban development research and to assist them in its timely completion. Money can used to support Ph.D candidates. Students can request an application package from the address listed below or by calling HUD USER at 800-245-2691. For additional information, contact Armand Carriere, Office of University Partnerships, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th St., SW, Room 8106, Washington, DC 20410; 202-708-3061; Continue reading
Grants to Communities With Small Business Incubators
$15,000 Loan Forgiveness Paid Directly toYou!!
This program is offered to individuals attending a program of study designed to prepare them to become a licensed dentist. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. There is a minimum service obligation of three years. Each year a participant must deliver service totaling 25% of their yearly patient encounters to public program or sliding fee scale patients. In turn, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum (approximately $15,000 as of 5/1/04.) Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 651-282-6302, 800-366-5424; Continue reading