Filling Out Applications
$3,000 a Year to Be a Merchant Marine
(State Marine Schools 20.806)
The program objective is to train merchant marine officers in State Marine Schools. You can receive $3,000 per year to train to be a merchant marine officer at a designated State Marine School. In exchange for this incentive payment program, you must commit yourself to a minimum of five years duty to the Maritime Administration. You must also remain in a reserve unit of an armed force for a minimum of eight years. Students need to apply to one of the State Marine Schools. Contact the Office of Maritime Labor and Training, Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 7th St., SW, Washington, DC 20590; 202-366-5755; 800-996-2723; Continue reading
$24,000 To Study Environmental Policy
The Morris K. Udall Fellowship Program awards two Ph.D. dissertation fellowships of $24,000 to students whose work is in the areas of environmental public policy or environmental conflict resolution. Recipients must be in the final, writing year of their Ph.D. work and must submit a copy of their dissertation to the Udall Foundation at the end of the award year. Contact the Morris K. Udall Dissertation Fellowship Program, South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701-1922; 520-670-5609; Continue reading
Work in Alaska and Have Your Loans Forgiven
The Michael Murphy Loan is available to individuals who wish to study law enforcement, law, probation and parole, penology, or other related fields are eligible to work off one-fifth per year or 100% of their loans. To be eligible the applicant must work as a State Trooper (or related law enforcement official) in Alaska. Contact Lt. of Recruitment, Alaska State Troopers, 5700 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99507; 907-269-5511; Continue reading
Calling All Minnesota Nursing Students!! Receive $3,000 per Year for Loan Forgiveness
This program is offered to individuals currently attending a program of study designed to prepare the individual to become either a registered nurse, RN or a licensed practical nurse, LPN. Individuals must plan to practice full-time in a nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation or Related Conditions (ICFMR) in Minnesota after completion of their educational program. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. For each year that a participant serves as a RN or LPN in a nursing home or ICF/MR for an average of 30 hours per week, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum (approximately $3,500). Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 800-366-5424, 651-282-6302; Continue reading
Scholarships for Minorities
(Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program 10.220)
This program is designed to increase the ethnic and cultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional work force, and to advance the educational achievement of minority Americans. Money is given to colleges and universities that have a demonstrable capacity to attract, educate, and graduate minority students for careers as agriscience and agribusiness professionals. Contact the National Program Leader, Education Programs, CSREES, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stop 2251, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-1973; Continue reading
$3,500 Loan Forgiveness – Franklin Pierce Law Center
This program is for eligible law school graduates of the Franklin Pierce Law Center. Applicants are eligible to receive up to an annual maximum of $3,500 from the Phinney Fund for up to five years after graduation if they remain in qualifying public interest employment. Awards are made to individuals with the greatest debt and the lowest income. Contact The Franklin Pierce Law Center, Two White Street, Concord, NH 03301; 603-228-1541; Continue reading
$5,000 To Study The Environment
The Morris K. Udall Scholarship Program awards grants to young Americans pursuing environmental careers and to Native Americans and Alaska Natives pursuing careers in health care and tribal public policy. All applicants must be sophomores or juniors attending college. The Udall Foundation awards approximately 80 scholarships of up to $5,000 (and 50 scholarships of $350 to honorable mention recipients). Scholarship recipients are eligible for one year of support per application year. Contact the Morris K. Udall Scholarship Program, 130 South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701-1922; 520-670-5529; Continue reading
Grants For Those Who Have Trouble Paying Tuition
(Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement 84.217)
This program provides grants to institutions of higher education to prepare low income, first-generation college students and students underrepresented in graduate education for graduate study. Students must apply to those institutions that have received the money. For a listing of institutions that received money contact the office listed below. Contact Continue reading
$25,000 Loan Repayment Assistance from Washington
The Washington State Bar Association has approved an LRAP that will be administered through the Washington State Bar Foundation. The program will likely begin taking applications from its first round of participants in 2005. Loan repayment assistance will be $5,000/year per program participant for a maximum of 5 consecutive years. Contact Paula Littlewood, Deputy Director of the Washington State Bar Association, 2101 Fourth Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121-2330; 206-443-9722, 800-945-9722; Continue reading
$10,000 Of Student Loan Forgiveness
The Missouri Advantage Repayment Incentive Option (MARIO) will provide up to $10,000 in student loan forgiveness for college students who graduate with a math or science degree and go to work for a Missouri life science related company. The program offers up to $2,500 in loan forgiveness for every year the student works at a Missouri life science company for a maximum of four years. Contact Capitol Building, Room 216, Jefferson City, MO 65101; 573-751-3222; Continue reading
Loans for Disadvantaged Health Profession Students
(Loans for Disadvantaged Students 93.342)
Loans for Disadvantaged Students Program provides funding to eligible health professions schools for the purpose of providing long-term, low-interest loans to assist full-time, financially needy, disadvantaged students to pursue a career in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, pharmacy, or veterinary medicine. To apply for this loan, contact the student financial aid office at the school where you intend to apply for admission or where you are enrolled. Contact the Division of Health Careers, Diversity and Development, Bureau of Health Professions’ Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration, Parklawn Building, Room 8-34, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-4776; 888-275-4772; Continue reading
Money for Members of Indian Tribes to Go to College
(Indian Education-Higher Education Grant Program 15.114)
The program objective is to provide financial aid to eligible Indian students to enable them to attend accredited institutions of higher education. Members of an Indian tribe may be eligible for these grants to supplement the total financial aid package prepared by their college financial aid officer. Contact Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education Programs, Room MS-3512-MIB, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240-0001; 202-208-6123; Continue reading
Money to Study Housing Issues
(Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant Program 14.516)
The program objective is to encourage doctoral candidates to engage in policy related housing and urban development research and to assist them in its timely completion. Money can used to support Ph.D candidates. Students can request an application package from the address listed below or by calling HUD USER at 800-245-2691. For additional information, contact Armand Carriere, Office of University Partnerships, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th St., SW, Room 8106, Washington, DC 20410; 202-708-3061; Continue reading
$15,000 Loan Forgiveness Paid Directly toYou!!
This program is offered to individuals attending a program of study designed to prepare them to become a licensed dentist. Selected participants are eligible for up to four years of loan forgiveness. There is a minimum service obligation of three years. Each year a participant must deliver service totaling 25% of their yearly patient encounters to public program or sliding fee scale patients. In turn, the ORHPC will pay directly to the participant an annual lump sum (approximately $15,000 as of 5/1/04.) Contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Attn: Loan Forgiveness Program Officer, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975; 651-282-6302, 800-366-5424; Continue reading
$20,000 A Year To Study Health-Related Research
Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program, eligible undergraduates will receive $20,000 a year in grants, invaluable research experience, and a guaranteed position with the renowned NIH after graduation. To find out how you can be a recipient, contact NIH, Office of Loan Repayment and Scholarship, 2 Center Drive, Room 2E24, MSC 0230, Bethesda, MD 20892-0230; 888-352-3001; Continue reading
Money for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Students
(Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075)
The program objective is to promote the progress of the social, behavioral, and economic science; to facilitate cooperative research activities with foreign scientists, engineers, and institutions and to support understanding of the resources invested in science and engineering in the U.S. Funds are provided for U.S. scientists and engineers to carry out studies abroad, to conduct research, to engage in joint research projects with foreign counterpart organizations, and to support international scientific workshops in the U.S. and abroad. Students must contact the Assistant Director, Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 935Arlington, VA 22230; 703-292-5111; Continue reading
Money to Train to Become a Nurse Anesthetist
(Nurse Anesthetist Traineeships 93.124)
Registered nurses can receive money to become nurse anesthetists through this program that provides funds for a maximum 18-month period of full-time study. Nurses must complete 12 months of study in a nurse anesthetist program. Students need to apply to those institutions that have received the money. Contact the Division of Nursing, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Room 9-36, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-5787; Continue reading
$1,000 Scholarships For Two Students In Every High School
Find out how high school students can get $1,000 toward college through the Presidential Freedom Scholarship for outstanding service to the community. All they need to do is volunteer 100 hours of their time within a one year period. To apply, contact Presidential Freedom Scholarships, 1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036; 866-291-7700; Continue reading
$5,000 Student Loan Forgiveness
You might be able to have up to $5,000 of your Stafford Loans canceled if you are teaching in a low-income school and you are a new borrower. A new borrower is one who has no outstanding FFEL or Direct Loan balance. To qualify you must work as a full-time teacher for five consecutive years in an elementary or secondary school that has been designated as a "low-income" school. Contact The Office of Federal Student Aid Federal Perkins Loan Teacher Cancellation Program, Union Center Plaza, 8 31st Street, Washington D.C. 20202; 800-433-3243; Continue reading
Money for Nursing Students to Repay Their Loans
(Nursing Education Loan Repayment Agreements For Registered Nurses Entering Employment At Eligible Health Facilities 93.908)
This program assists in the repayment of their nursing education loans. The program is designed to increase the number of registered nurses serving designated nurse shortage areas. An Applicant Information Bulletin For Registered Nurses is available at the address listed below. Contact Chief, Diversity and Basic Nurse Education Branch, Division of Nursing, Bureau of Health Professionals, Health Resources and Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9-36, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-3232; 866-813-3753; Continue reading
Extra Money!! $2,500 per Year to Repay Undergraduate Loans
Due to a critical Teacher shortage in Florida, the Florida Department of Education is offering Teachers forgiveness of their student loans. If you are a Florida teacher and you are certified in a critical teacher shortage subject area contact The Office of Student Financial Assistance, 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 70, Tallahassee, FL 32303-4759; 888-827-2004; Continue reading
Free $$$$$ to Pay Off Federally Insured Student Loans
The U.S. Federal Government has established a student loan repayment program which authorizes agencies to repay certain types of federally insured student loans as a recruitment or retention incentive for highly qualified personnel. If you qualify, an agency may agree to provide student loan repayment benefits of up to $10,000 per calendar year, subject to a cumulative maximum of $60,000 per employee. Contact The Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Streets NW, Washington, DC 20415-1000; 202-606-1800; Continue reading
Travel Overseas For Your Doctorate Research
(International Overseas Doctoral Dissertation 84.022)
This program provides opportunities for graduate students to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign language and area studies with the exception of Western Europe. Contact International Education Programs Service, Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20006; 202-502-7632; Continue reading
Money for Health Profession Students
(Health Professions Student Loans 93.342)
The Health Professions Student Loan Program provides long-term, low interest rate loans to full-time financially needy students pursuing a degree in dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, pediatric medicine, or veterinary medicine. Funds are made available to schools for the establishment of revolving student loan funds. To apply for this loan, contact the student financial aid office at the school where you intend to apply for admission or where you are enrolled. Contact the Division of Health Careers, Diversity and Development, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration, Parklawn Building, Room 8-34, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; 301-443-4776; 888-275-4772; Continue reading
$6,000 Of Student Loan Forgiveness!!
Teachers for New HampshireSM provides financial assistance in the form of a variable-interest rate, forgivable loan, covering up to 50 percent of the direct costs (tuition and fees) and the cost of books for the program, not to exceed a cumulative maximum of $6,000. Individuals who meet the application criteria are eligible to apply on an annual basis. Repayment of this loan will be forgiven for individuals who are employed as full-time teachers for three years following completion of their teacher preparation program. Contact New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation, P.O. Box 2111, Concord, NH 03301; 800-330-0787; Continue reading