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Free Money for Federal Employees and Their Families to Go to College

Over $2.75 million in college scholarships is awarded exclusively to federal and postal employees and their family members. The Federal Employee Education Assistance Program (FEEA) scholarship applications are available from January through March each year. You can get an application online at their web site.? Eligible applicants include current civilian federal and postal employees with at least three years of federal service and their dependent family members (children and spouses). Employee applicants may be part-time students; dependents must be full-time.
For more information send a self-addressed, stamped #10 business envelope to: FEEA Scholarships, Suite 200, 8441 W Bowles Ave, Littleton, CO 80123-9501; 303-933-7580; Continue reading

Free Money For Isabel Fixups

remember it is not only FEMA (Federal Energy Management Agency) that has money to fix things up after a hurricane. There is also grant money to fix up your home anytime. Check the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. This lists all the major federal programs. Look for housing programs at the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Energy and Agriculture.


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