
Over $37,000 Fellowships for Law Students

This Foundation offers fellowships to graduating law students to work in public interest organizations. The salary for the Fellowships is currently $37,500 and pays all fringe benefits. Fellowships are awarded for one year, with the expectation of renewal for a second year. Contact Skadden Fellowship Foundation, Four Times Square, New York, NY 10036; 212-735-2956; Continue reading

$150-$1,000 For Foodservice Education

If you are or your parent is a current member of the School Nutrition Association and you are interested in pursuing a school foodservice-related field, this scholarship may be for you. The Schwan’s Food Service Scholarship offers $150-$1,000 awards that are renewable for up to four years. Contact School Nutrition Association, 700 S. Washington St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314; 703-739-3900; Fax: 703-739-3915; Continue reading

Get 500000 To Sell Your Goods or Services

If you are a woman owned business or a minority business you can get up to $500,000 in loans to help sell what ever you have to a transportation related agency at the federal state or local level. The government buys anything from web design to landscaping. Ask about Disadvantaged Business Enterprise-Short Term Lending programs from the U.S. Department of Transportation at 800-532-1169 or at


Up to $100,000 for Surgical Education

Grants ranging from $25,000 up to $100,000 will be awarded to support innovative research and education projects and programs which will advance surgical education in North America. Giving is done nationwide to ASE members as well as to members of other national surgical associations. Association for Surgical Education Foundation, P.O. Box 19655, Springfield, IL 62794-9655; 217-545-3835; Continue reading

Attention Agricultural Graduates: $10,000 of Loan Forgiveness is Waiting for You!

If you are an agriculture or veterinary medicine graduate who helps operate a family farm or practice veterinary medicine that includes agricultural animals in Pennsylvania you are eligible for a maximum award of $10,000 in loan forgiveness payments. Contact the Agriculture Education Loan Forgiveness Program, P.O. Box 8114, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8114; 717-720-2800; Continue reading

$250 for Completed Research

The Larry Metcalf Exemplary Dissertation Award is a $250 award given in odd-numbered years for research completed in pursuit of the doctoral degree which makes a significant contribution to research in the field. The research must be outstanding in the areas of problem statement, analysis of related literature, methods and procedures, analysis of data, and discussion of results. Contact the National Council for the Social Studies, 8555 16th St., N.W., Ste. 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; 301-588-1800; Fax: 301-588-2049; Continue reading

$5,000 For You or Your Team

The GoGirlGo! Ambassador Awards Program awards 9th through 12th grade girls who make a difference in the lives of girls in their communities with grants of up to $5,000. If you are on a team that makes a difference, your team can also apply. Contact Women’s Sports Foundation, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, NY 11554; 516-542-4700, 800-227-3988, Fax: 516-542-4716; Continue reading

Money To Buy Fix Up Or Refinance a Home

Called Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance and referred to as Program #14.108 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program helps families repair or improve, purchase or refinance and improve existing residential structures more than one year old. These loans may be used to rehabilitate an existing 1 to 4 unit dwelling in one of four ways: (1) Purchase a structure and the land on which the structure is located and rehabilitate it; (2) purchase a structure on another site, move it onto a new foundation on the mortgaged property and rehabilitate it; (3) refinance the existing indebtedness and rehabilitate such a structure; or (4) rehabilitate such a structure. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


$$$$ Baker University Loan Forgiveness!!

At the request of the Baker University, we are posting that the information below is no longer valid. The Challenge/Loan grant no longer exists. No word on whether or not a new grant or program is forthcoming. Please do not contact them about this expired program.

Students who complete a bachelor’s degree at Baker University’s College of Arts and Sciences may be eligible for the school’s loan forgiveness program. The Challenge Loan program becomes available beginning a student’s sophomore year. The funds start out as a loan, but are forgiven if you graduate from Baker. Contact Baker University, P.O. Box 65, Baldwin City, KS 66006-0065; 913-594-6451; Continue reading

$23,000 Loan Forgiveness for Dental Workers

This program offers Dentists up to $23,000 per year of loan forgiveness if they have at least 30% patient population enrolled in Maryland???s Medical Assistance Program (MMAP). You must be a Maryland resident and you must have graduated from an accredited US dental school. Contact The Maryland Higher Education Commission, 839 Bestgate Road, Suite 400, Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-767-7899; Continue reading

$5,000 for Minority Teachers!!

Receive up to $5000 annually if you are an African-American, Asian-American, Native American, or Hispanic college junior or senior working toward teacher certification. Participants must teach 3 or 5 years in Arkansas to have the amount received forgiven. Contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 114 East Capitol Ave, Attn: Minority Teachers Scholarship, Little Rock, AR 72201; 501-371-2050, 800-54-STUDY; Continue reading

60000 If Your Mortgage Payments Are Over 60 Days Due

the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency offers state residents a loan program designed to protect citizens who, through no fault of their own, are financially unable to make their mortgage payments and are in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure. Participants in the Homeowners’ Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program receive loans to help bring delinquent payments current. Continuing monthly assistance may be available as well. Total financial assistance maximum is $60,000, or 24 months of payments. Participants are expected to contribute $25 per month for payments during the term of the loan. Contact: Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, 211 North Front Street, P.O. Box 15530, Harrisburg, PA 17105-5530. Phone: 800-342-2397,


High School Seniors Get $2,000 to Study Restaurant & Hospitality

The Undergraduate Merit Scholarship for High School Seniors offers $2,000 for high school seniors who have demonstrated a commitment to both postsecondary foodservice education and a career in the restaurant and hospitality industry. Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 GPA and must have performed at least 250 hours of foodservice-related work. Contact the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, (formerly National Institute for the Food Service Industry), 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60604-2702; 800-765-2122, 312-715-1010, Fax: 312-715-0807; Continue reading

800 For Your Security Deposit

Several states and more and more local organizations and even non-profits provide money for renters with grants or loans that can be used for security deposits. Programs constantly come and go but the state of Delaware has provided grants to nonprofit agencies to administer 2 security deposit programs. Two counties in Florida provide grants to cover deposits for people at certain incomes, and New Hampshire guarantees landlords the full amount so the renter can make payments on a security deposit. This information was collected from NLIHC, 1012 Fourteenth Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, D.C. 20005, 202/662-1530. To locate available programs in your area contact your state housing office or social services office, or your local reference librarian who can assist you in finding other organizations who might provide this assistance.
