Nw Washington Dc

10000 to fix up Mom’s home

The city of Houston offers $5,000 fix up money for the disabled and elderly in their Emergency Repair Program, and Minneapolis offers up to $10,000. The Rural Housing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers special grants through their Section 504 program of up to $7,500 if you’re over 62 and need to fix up your home. Contact your city government, your county government and your local community development office to learn about local programs. If you have trouble locating your local community development office, contact National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 630 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20001; 202-289-3500; or Office of Community Planning and Development, P.O. Box 7189, Gaithersburg, MD 20898; 800-998-9999;For Rural Housing Service contact Single Family Housing Programs, USDA Rural Housing Service, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-4323.

Visit: www.nahro.org

Grants to Help Minority Businesses Enter New Markets

Click For Small business grants and loans

100 Loan Forgiveness For JD Graduates

If you are alumni of the American University Washington College of Law you may be entitled to have all of your student loans eradicated. As a demonstration of its ongoing commitment to see its graduates apply the law to the greater good, WCL implemented the Public Interest Loan Repayment Assistance Program (PILRAP). PILRAP helps relieve economic burden imposed by educational debt by providing loan repayment assistance for JD graduates who work in full-time non-profit, government or other employment in which the graduate is engaged in serving under-represented or traditionally marginalized populations. To apply and gather more information about this exciting program contact the Washington College of Law, Attn:: Stephanie Sullivan Assistant Director, Public Interest Specialist, 4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016; 202-274-4000

Visit: www.wcl.american.edu/finaid/pilrap.cfm#contact

Money for Members of Indian Tribes to Go to College

(Indian Education-Higher Education Grant Program 15.114)
The program objective is to provide financial aid to eligible Indian students to enable them to attend accredited institutions of higher education. Members of an Indian tribe may be eligible for these grants to supplement the total financial aid package prepared by their college financial aid officer. Contact Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education Programs, Room MS-3512-MIB, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240-0001; 202-208-6123; Continue reading

Venture Capital to Start a Small Business Overseas

Click For Small business loans and grants

Free $$$$$ to Pay Off Federally Insured Student Loans

The U.S. Federal Government has established a student loan repayment program which authorizes agencies to repay certain types of federally insured student loans as a recruitment or retention incentive for highly qualified personnel. If you qualify, an agency may agree to provide student loan repayment benefits of up to $10,000 per calendar year, subject to a cumulative maximum of $60,000 per employee. Contact The Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Streets NW, Washington, DC 20415-1000; 202-606-1800; Continue reading

Grants to Improve and Extend Public Telecommunications Services in the U.S.

Click For Business loans for women

Volunteer and Earn Money to Pay for School

(AmeriCorps 94.006)
AmeriCorps program provides meaningful opportunities for people to serve their country in organized efforts, fostering citizen responsibility, building their community, and providing education opportunities for those who make a serious commitment to service. Stipends can be used to support the person while they volunteer. Health care and childcare benefits may also be provided. Participants will also receive an education award, which may be used to pay for higher education or for vocational training, and may also be used to repay any existing student loans. Contact the Corporation for National and Community Service, 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20525 202-606-5000, ext. 474; Continue reading

Internships for Graduate Students to Work at 54 Government Agencies

(Presidential Management Fellows Program 27.013)
The PMF Program is a two-year entry-level employment and career development program designed to attract to the federal civil service men and women with graduate degrees from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds. Nominees for the PMI Program undergo a rigorous, competitive screening process. Agencies designate positions for the PMFs and each establishes its own procedures for considering and hiring PMFs. An application form and more information can be requested by contacting the Career America Hotline at 912-757-3000. Contact U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415-1000; 202-606-1800; Continue reading

1100 a Month For Prescription Drugs

Almost all drug companies offer drugs for free to those that cannot afford them. Each company has a different application procedure, and your doctor must sign a form. The medications are then shipped to your doctor for you. This could relieve you of your high prescription drug costs, so it is worth the effort. Look online for the drug company’s program, then fill out the application. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association, 1100 Fifteenth St., NW, Washington, DC 20005; 202-835-3400

Visit: www.helpingpatients.org

Fellowships for Creative Writers and Translators

(Promotion of the Arts-Grants to Organizations and Individuals 45.024)
The National Endowment for the Arts provides grants to support Literature Fellowships, Fellowships for Creative Writers, Fellowships awarded to writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction to allow them to devote time to writing, research, travel, and to advance their writing careers. Contact National Endowment for the Arts, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20506; 202-682-5400; Continue reading

George Washington Law School Graduates Receive $8,000 Loan Forgiveness

This program is to assist law school graduates working in public interest employment loan forgiveness of up to $8,000 per year. The George Washington Law School Loan Reimbursement Assistance Program requires that all applicants graduated in 1990 or later, must work approximately 30 or more hours/week in a legal public interest job, and your gross annual salary minus your annual law loan repayments is equal to or less than $37,000. Contact The George Washington University Law School, 2000 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20052; 202-994-6261; Continue reading

Part-Time Jobs In The Government

(Student Temporary Employment Program 27.003)
The program gives students 16 years of age and older an opportunity for part time temporary employment with federal agencies in order to allow them to continue their education without interruptions caused by financial pressures. Apply for this program through the youth division of the local office of the State Employment Service. Contact the Main State Employment Service office for referral to a local office. Contact Employment Service, Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St., NW, Washington, DC 20415; 202-606-1800; Continue reading

Get Presidential Honors For A Deceased Veteran

You can help commemorate the honor of a deceased veteran by requesting a Presidential Memorial Certificate, a parchment certificate with a calligraphic inscription expressing the nation’s recognition of the veteran’s service. The veteran’s name is inscribed and the certificate bears the signature of the president. Eligible recipients include next of kin, other relatives and friends. The veteran may have died at any time in the past. For more information contact Department of Veteran Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20420; 800-827-1000

Visit: www.cem.va.gov/pmc.htm