
50000 for a Support Hose Store

…that’s what Vandi Lancour received from the State of Texas for her store in Amarillo, Texas and Cindy Sheets received a $50,000 grant from the state for her flower shop in Amarillo. Cindy says, the money allowed me to hire an employee and do additional advertising which enabled my business to grow by more than 100% within the past year. These grants came from the Amarillo Economic Development Center


7500 to Teach Children History

The CiviConnections Grant awards $7,500 grants to a team of three teachers for implementing a new program that provides teacher teams and students in grades 3-12 with opportunities to link local historical inquiry with community service-learning activities. Contact: National Council for the Social Studies, 8555 16th St., N.W., Ste. 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 588-1800; Fax: (301) 588-2049


Phone Best For Getting Grants

A telephone-based study conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project of 2,925 adult Americans showed that 53% preferred to contact the government by phone or in person and only 35% prefer either Web or email. 10% cited a letter as their top choice. Even Internet users are more likely to use the telephone or in-person visits instead of Web or email.


Grants To Pay For A Down Payment

on a home are available through a non-profit organization called AmeriDream, Inc. It’s a little complicated, but my understanding is that to get government money to buy a home, the seller cannot give you a down payment to help you buy the home. But they can give the money to a non-profit, who in turn can give you the money. Anyway, the deal can get done and you don’t need to put up money.


Free Classes and Fee based Seminars On How To Get Grants

The Foundation Center in Atlanta has a wide range of information about possible sources of funding. The Center offers workshops for the beginner grant seeker. They also have a library located at 50 Hurt Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303. The phone number is 404-880-0095 or 94. An online database of 5,600 foundations and public charity programs is available for a monthly fee.


5000 to Get Rid of Lead Paint in Your Home

Called the Lead-based Paint Hazard Control in Privately-Owned Housing Program and referred to as Program #14.900 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program provides grants to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in privately- owned housing that is owned by or rented to low- or very-low income families. Specific objectives include: (1) building the capacity necessary to eliminate lead-based paint hazards in all housing; (2) preventing childhood lead poisoning; (3) involving cooperation among all levels of government, the private sector, faith-based organizations, and community-based organizations; (4) integrating comprehensive community approaches to address lead hazards in housing; (5) integration of lead- safe practices into other programs which will continue beyond the life of the grant; (6) establishment of a public registry of lead-safe housing; and (7) promoting job training, employment, and other economic lift opportunities for low-income residents of project neighborhoods. . Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at


Grants to Aid Victims of Violence

The New England Patriots’ R.O.S.E. Award offers a cash award to a female victim of violent crime who is working to overcome her adversities. The award is meant to help her continue in her journey toward regaining her self-esteem and rebuilding her life. Cash awards vary according to funding availability. Contact: The R.O.S.E. Fund, Inc., (formerly Ryka Rose Foundation), 175 Federal St., Ste. 455, Boston, MA 02110; (617) 482-5400; Fax: (617) 482-3443


Grants to Organizations That Help Minorities Start Their Own Businesses

Click For Obama business grants

Grants to Aid Victims of Violence

The New England Patriots’ R.O.S.E. Award offers a cash award to a female victim of violent crime who is working to overcome her adversities. The award is meant to help her continue in her journey toward regaining her self-esteem and rebuilding her life. Cash awards vary according to funding availability. Contact: The R.O.S.E. Fund, Inc., (formerly Ryka Rose Foundation), 175 Federal St., Ste. 455, Boston, MA 02110; (617) 482-5400; Fax: (617) 482-3443


75000 for Urgent Home Repair

Funding available under the Urgent Repair Program provides grants for emergency home repairs and modifications to homes of elderly homeowners and other homeowners with special needs whose household incomes do not exceed 50% of the area median. Eligible organizations may request up to $75,000. For a listing of eligible organizations, contact the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency.


Financial Assistance for Employees in Need

When tragedy strikes, BearingPoint employees are not alone. Through the Corporate Giving Program, BearingPoint coordinates emotional and financial support for employees impacted by traumatic or catastrophic events, giving employees a place to turn when they are in need. BearingPoint Foundation funds, in the form of grants, are directed toward specific programs that meet program objectives. BearingPoint does not accept unsolicited grant proposals from outside organizations. All requests for funding and support are generated by BearingPoint employees. Contact: BearingPoint, Inc. Corporate Giving Program (formerly KPMG Consulting, Inc. Corporate Giving Program), c/o BearingPoint Charitable Foundation, 106 Allen Road, Liberty Corner, NJ 07938; (908) 607-2300


15000 People A Month Get Grants For Down Payments

There are a number of non-profit organizations that provide grants to homeowners to pay for down payments and closing costs for buying a new home. These grants normally range from 2% to 5% of the purchase price of the home. These non-profits obtain their money from mortgage lenders and sellers. Housing regulations prevent sellers or lenders to give down payment money directly to buyers. More than 15,000 buyers a month receive grants through this program. To learn more about how this gift-assisted sale works, contact the national association of these organizations called Homeownership Alliance of Nonprofit Down Payment Providers, at 301-941-1907


4000 Grant To Paint Your Home

That’s what Canton, Ohio offers to very low-income residents – grants to paint their house or put on new siding. They feel that an investment like this improves the value of all the properties in the area. Sunnyvale, California offers some of their residents $400 in grant money to paint their homes. And if you’re over 60 or have a disability, you can get a $1,200 grant. See if your city or state offers a program like this go to


Get a 2000 Grant To Fix Up Your Home

A family of 4 can be making close to $30,000 a year and still be eligible for a 2% interest loan from local their Community Action Agency. Some agencies also offer grants or are aware of other local organizations that provide grants. There are about 1,000 of them around the country to help neighborhoods. To find an agency near you, contact National Association of Community Action Agencies, 1100 17th St., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, 202-265-7546; Fax: 202-265-8850
