Government Money

Info On Government Money For Disabled Soldiers

is now available from a new government office set up to assist these soldiers in getting the help they need. Call800-833-6622. I hope the 800 number if more helpful than the web site because I wasn’t able to find any programs there that show people with disabilities how to get money to start a home business, fix up their home, go to school, find information from the best medical experts in the world at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, etc. Additionally, Iraqi War widows can get individual help from Lesko researchers.


Grants To Pay For A Down Payment

on a home are available through a non-profit organization called AmeriDream, Inc. It’s a little complicated, but my understanding is that to get government money to buy a home, the seller cannot give you a down payment to help you buy the home. But they can give the money to a non-profit, who in turn can give you the money. Anyway, the deal can get done and you don’t need to put up money.
