
Money to Rehabilitate a Trailer Home Park

Called Mortgage Insurance- Manufactured Home Parks and referred to as Program #14.127 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program makes it possible to finance the rehabilitation of manufactured home parks. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


100000 To Buy Or Fix Up Houses In Older Areas Of A Town

Called the Mortgage Insurance – Housing In Older, Declining Areas and referred to as Program #14.123 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program helps in the purchase or rehabilitation of housing in older, declining urban areas. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


2000000 to Build or Rehabilitate Condominiums Program # 14112

Called Mortgage Insurance for Construction for Substantial Rehabilitation of Condominium Projects and referred to as Program #14.112 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program enables sponsors to develop condominium projects in which individual units will be sold to home buyers. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


5000 Worth Of Free Health Care For Kids

Make up to $38,657 and get free health care for your kids. Almost every state now has a Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS), which extends medical coverage to many children who may not be covered. Contact your state Department of Health to see what version of the CHIPS program is offered in your area; or call a new government hotline to help locate free health care for kids at 877-KIDS-NOW (toll-free 877-543-7669)


4725 For Volunteering Full Time

AmeriCorps engages people 17 and older in service to their community. The Vista Program recruits those with 3 years experience (not required) for a one-year commitment to address issues related to poverty. During time of service a modest allowance is received every week. Health insurance is provided by the program. Housing and meals are not provided by the program. Participants receive $4,725, which can be used for student loan repayment and school tuition, or a cash stipend of $1,200. Find out more about getting involved with AmeriCorps by e-mailing questions call them Toll-Free at 1-800-942-2677.


Free Help With Health Insurance

if you are looking for coverage, or looking to solve a problem with Medicaid, Medicare or a private health insurance company there are groups throughout the country that will help you enforce your rights and get you satisfaction. See the Health Insurance Partnership at Families USA


Nurses Receive Financial Help for Bills

The Nurses House financial awards assist with such needs as rent or mortgage payments, food, utilities, telephone and health insurance. When possible, Nurses House attempts to assist applicants in identifying other potential sources of assistance. Awards will vary depending on the applicant’s level of need. Contact: Nurses House, Inc., 2113 Western Ave., Ste. 2, Guilderland, NY 12084-9501; (518) 456-7858; Fax: (518) 452-3760


Free Help To Fight The Health Care System

You can call government offices and advocacy groups that will do your fighting for you or give you the needed weapons to do your own fighting. Before you call a lawyer, call these free offices: Your state Insurance Commissioner will help you learn your legal rights regarding insurance. Your state Medical Board will review your complaint and help resolve disputes. Your state HMO Board will also resolve disputes. You can also contact the Patient Advocate Foundation, 700 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 200, Newport News, VA 23606; 800-532-5274;, or the Health Insurance Partnership program at Families USA


48000 To Buy A Mobile Home

Called the Manufactured Home Loan Insurance – Financing Purchase of Manufactured Homes as Principal Residences of Borrowers Program and referred to as Program #14.110 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program insures lenders against loss on loans. Insured loans may be used to purchase manufactured home units by buyers intending to use them as their principal places of residence. The maximum amount of the loan is $48,600, whether single or multiple modules. The borrower must give assurance that the unit will be placed on a site which complies with local zoning and land development requirements. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Cheap Health Insurance For Disabled Workers

A change in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 allows states to offer Medicaid to individuals who are working and who have a disability. Prior to this, states could only offer Medicaid to people with disabilities who were NOT working. The income limit goes up to $40,000 a year. Contact your state Department of Health to identify your Medicaid office. You can also check out the website of the Bazelon Center


Work Part Time Making 17/Hr Plus Benefits

in HONOLULU for the government. They are also hiring screeners in Dallas, Detroit, Florida, Las Vegas, Denver, Norfolk, New York, California, Ohio and others. The jobs are for airport screeners and you are eligible for health insurance, life insurance, retirement, paid annual vacation and sick leave. Do you get that at Wal Mart? Go to and then click on Employment,


Working and Still Struggling Financially

You can be making up to $35,000 to $40,000 a year and still be eligible for government benefit programs. Like money for food bills, day care, health insurance for you or your children, fuel and utility bills, phone bills, and more. A non-profit organization called SEEDO is developing a web site so people can learn how to take advantage of these programs.


300000 For People Whose Homes Were Hurt By A Disaster

Called the Mortgage Insurance – Home For Disaster Victims Program and referred to as Program #14.119 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program helps victims of a major disaster undertake homeownership on a sound basis. Disaster victims are not required to meet the 3 percent minimum investment requirements. In order to qualify for assistance, the formerly occupied home must have been in an area designated by the President as a disaster area, and it must have been destroyed or damaged to such an extent that reconstruction or replacement is necessary. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


More Money From Indiana’s Prescription Drug Program

Depending upon your situation with Medicare and Medicaid, you may or may not be eligible for this program, but it is worth a call for clarification. It is also helpful to know about this in the future if your situation changes. Eligibility issues: Indiana resident for at least 90 days and age 65 or older. May not have insurance that includes a prescription drug benefit. Must have a monthly income which is less than $997 for individuals or less than $1,344 for couples. Contact HoosierRX, P.O. Box 6224, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6224; 866-267-4679


100000 To Help Buy A Mobile Home and a Mobile Home Lot

Called the Mortgage Insurance – Combination and Manufactured Home Lot Loans Program and referred to as Program #14.162 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this program makes possible reasonable financing for the purchase of a manufactured home and a lot on which to place the home. Contact your local office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Look on the left-hand side of the page to search for your local field office.


5000 Worth of Free Health Care for Kids

Make up to $38,657 and get free health care for your kids. Almost every state now has a Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS), which extends medical coverage to many children who may not be covered. Contact your state Department of Health to see what version of the CHIPS program is offered in your area; or call a new government hotline to help locate free health care for kids at 877-KIDS-NOW (toll-free 877-543-7669)
