12 For A Doctor’s Office Visit

That is all I paid when my family and I were traveling in Prague in the Czech Republic this summer and my son had to see a doctor for an illness. This was not the co-pay, this was the entire cost and we didn’t have to wait. It was great treatment too. The cab ride cost more. I checked the worldwide statistics and it shows that we live a little longer but we have a higher infant mortality rate. What are we doing wrong???

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One Response to 12 For A Doctor’s Office Visit

  • Hello Matt, I hope you can help me find the right grant. I need between 500 and $1,000 I can get a car that will drive me from the tip of South America down to Florida 5 million times if I only could just get that extra money I’m on Social Security disability and a just doesn’t pay enough $800 a month I’m not spending it on Extras I’m spending it on whatever I can when I need it I’ve even recycling things to try to better myself I still can’t get that extra money for 3 years now I have health conditions have to walk an hour into town in between my house cleaning I have to take a rest or a nap I have to do this because I have anemia, borderline diabetes, high blood pressure heart disease osteoporosis and obesity which make the osteoporosis extremely bad that’s what’s troubling me I have to lose weight because everything is counting on that which I don’t think that’s ever going to happen but you never know I have to eat for the anemia and the diabetes I need a car to get around I don’t know what to do it’s aon.rap you would never believe I’m almost 60 years old I know that means nothing to you as old as you are but it does to me I don’t have any medicine for it I have an older doctor will give me what I want I don’t I never have misuse medicine but that’s just it.
    I have a lot of backed up health and I know a doctor who will give me what I want I’m not a liar I’ve live like a saint now I got to take care of me I’m too old to have extreme extreme backed up Health as bad as I do find a grant that’s the only thing I care about I could probably sell some stuff which I’m working on.

    Sincerely Yours ,Mary.

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