Free Money For Your Down Payment
If you are within a certain income and need help paying your heating bills, or need money to make your house more energy efficient, or need funds for urgent repairs, call your local Community Action Agency. There are about 1,000 of them around the country to help neighborhoods. They will also come out and check if your home or apartment needs to be more energy efficient. To find an agency near you, contact National Association of Community Action Agencies, 1100 17th St., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036; 202-265-7546; Fax: 202-265-8850. Also, your local utility can provide you with or refer you to other programs in your area to analyze your energy usage, recommend energy saving measures, provide fuel and utility assistance to retain or restore service, establish payment discounts based on income and usage, or establish affordable payment plans if you are in arrears. Contact your local utility company to take advantage of these services.
84 For Your Phone Bill
Link Up and Lifeline are two government programs that offer up to $84 a year in discounts on your monthly bill. Ask your phone company about them or contact your state utility commissioner. For more information on how to save money on your phone bill, contact your telephone company, your state regulatory agency, and/or the Federal Communications Commission (445 12th St., SW, Washington, DC 20554; 888-CALL-FCC
Help for Disabled Veterans to Start New Businesses
Help to Start or Expand a Micro-Enterprise
FREE Upgrades to Business Lighting & A/C Systems
Emergency Assistance for Actors
Up to $6,000 for Energy Efficient Equipment
Achievement Award + Cash Award for Charity
The Heinz Family Foundation R.O.S.E. Achievement Award recognizes a woman survivor of violence for her work and achievements in the area of ending violence against women. The recipient’s choice of nonprofit organization receives the cash award. Contact: The R.O.S.E. Fund, Inc., (formerly Ryka Rose Foundation), 175 Federal St., Ste. 455, Boston, MA 02110; (617) 482-5400; Fax: (617) 482-3443