New York Ny
$22,500 for Dissertations on American Art
$2,000 Grants for Pop/Rock Latin Songwriters
$$ for Needy Professional Musicians
Over $37,000 Fellowships for Law Students
This Foundation offers fellowships to graduating law students to work in public interest organizations. The salary for the Fellowships is currently $37,500 and pays all fringe benefits. Fellowships are awarded for one year, with the expectation of renewal for a second year. Contact Skadden Fellowship Foundation, Four Times Square, New York, NY 10036; 212-735-2956; Continue reading
Venture Capital to Start a Business in Russia
$1,000 Grants for Sculptors
$15,000 to Promote Social Change through Media Production
$40,000 for Emerging Writers
Photography Grants up to $5,000
Vouchers for FREE Mammograms
The Actors’ Fund’s Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative (PNWHI) provides vouchers for FREE mammograms for members of the entertainment community. Other health-related services are available — mostly support groups and referral services. Contact: The Actors’ Fund of America, 729 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10019; (212) 221-7300, ext. 143; Fax: (212) 764-0238
Actors Get 40 to Buy Shoes
The Conrad Cantzen Memorial Shoe Fund offers entertainment professionals up to $40, once in every twelve-month period, for shoes costing no more than $80. This program is administered by The Actors’ Fund of America. Contact: The Actors’ Fund of America, 729 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10019; (212) 221-7300, ext. 146; Fax: (212) 764-0238
$25,000 for Puppet Theatre
More Money for Artists of All Kinds
Emergency Funds for Writers with AIDS
$ to Educating the Public on Modern Art
$30,000 for Working Artists in Need
$700 Grant To Start Your Business
Get $100,000 to Join an Orchestra!
Up to $30,000 for Music Composers
NYU Graduates Full Loan Repayment
NYU School of Law graduates pursuing careers in public service or with not-for-profit organizations following graduation are eligible to receive to have their debt burden paid in full or part by NYU. Contact the Office of Student Financial Services, New York University School of Law, 245 Sullivan Street, Suite 400, New York, NY 10012 1301; 212-998-6050; Continue reading
$10,000 for Artists to Travel to Europe or Russia
100000 or MORE to Promote Open Societies
The Open Society Institute offers grants to individuals both nationally and internationally. Grants are typically up to $100,000 but may be higher. The awards can be used to promote open societies by supporting an array of activities dealing with educational, social, legal, and health care reform, and by encouraging alternative approaches to complex and controversial issues. Grants are national. Contact: Open Society Institute, 400 W. 59th Street, New York, NY 10019; (212) 548-0600; Fax: (212) 548-4600