Grant Programs
$5,000 Scholarships for Design Students and Others
$ to Educating the Public on Modern Art
$15,000 for Musical Theatre Artists
$30,000 for Working Artists in Need
Up to $5,000 for Film Production Projects
Get $100,000 to Join an Orchestra!
Up to $30,000 for Music Composers
$10,000 for Artists to Travel to Europe or Russia
$50,000 Grants for Contemporary Art
$6,000 To Start A Hip-Hop Magazine
Up to $20,000 to Create Dance Performances
Grants To Actors to Help Pay for Health Care
Emergency Assistance for Actors
Grants to Produce Films in New York City & Los Angeles
Money for Creative Writers
Make Up To 70000 And Get 14500 New Home Grant
.to buy a home in Orlando Florida. There are a range of programs for various income levels and they have special grant programs for teachers, policemen and firemen